Literacy Monday 23rd

Literacy – Phonics Monday

I can read and write words with th.
Today we are going to be learning all about the digraph ‘th’. Remember th can make 2 sounds:
  • th like in the word thin, bath and three
  • th like in the word then, this and that
**Look below to see how to set your work out in your jotter**

Warm up:

  • Watch these two YouTube clips all about th:

Main Task:

  • In your jotter write some words with th at the beginning, middle or end of the word e.g  thunder, path, feather.
  • Write a sentence with a th word in it. Remember a capital letter, full stop and finger spaces in your sentence.
  • Draw a picture to illustrate your th sentence.

Extra Challenge:

  • How many th words can you write in one sentence e.g. When I was three I hurt my thumb with a thorn.

Set it out in your jotter like this:





Reading Game:

  • To practise your reading play the game below.
  • Click on CVC or, if you want a trickier challenge, click on CVCC/CCVC


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