Homework 28.10.19

Primary 1 Homework


  • This weeks sounds are :  h  b  u
  • Can you make up any 3 letter words with your sounds e.g. hat, bed, rug
  • Can you think of any words that have these sounds at the beginning?


  • This weeks words are :  can  we  go  into
  • Can you find these words in your word wallet?
  • What sounds are in these words?
  • Can you find any of these words in a book or in your house?
Reading Book
  • Try and read your reading book as often as you can.
  • Remember to point to each word as you read it.
  • Can you find any of your words or sounds in your book?


  • Please complete the page of your workbook (with sounds  h  b  u) in pencil.
  • Please complete the before/after number sheet.
  • Play this game on a computer, phone or tablet:



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