Just a reminder that school closes at 2:30pm on Friday for the Easter Break.
HOMEWORK 25.03.19
- Click on the link below and play ‘Teach Your Monster to Read’. All you need to do is enter your name http://www.teachyourmonstertoread.com/u/2507523
- Continue to play this games at home – it works on tablet or computer: http://www.galacticphonics.com/blends/interactive/ccvcspell/ccvcspell.htm
Common words: Revise all common words learned so far. Can you make up a sentence with your common words?
Reading book: Can you find any ch, sh or th words? Which capital letters can you find? Can you find any of our common words?
Sounds: Our new sound this week is ‘ch’. Can you read these words:
- chip chop chin chat
Play this game at home. Click on the ‘addition +’ train and then one of the games in the first column. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/mental-maths-train
Continue to play SumDog at home.
Can you count to 20 and back again?
Fairytale of the Week:
Our Fairytale of the week is still The Ugly Duckling.
Can you tell the story to a member of your family? Perhaps you could draw a picture to help you. Do bring it into class to show us!
We have set up the tuff spot in the class with lots of props for the children to retell the story.