Literacy Wednesday 10th June

Book Review:

Hi Primary 1.  I had another book review sent to me so I thought I’d post it for you to see.  Another great full star rating review!  Well done!

Dictation Wednesday

Today we are going to do some dictated sentences – we used to do them in the morning to warm up our brain 🧠. Miss Donald would read out a sentence and you had to write the sentence on your whiteboards – do you remember? 
Just like in class – have a go and try your best!

Warm Up:

  • Warm up your brain by reading these words on the video – can you read them before the man on the video says them?

Main Activity:

  • For this activity you will need to ask nicely for an adult or a brother or sister to help you. Ask them to please read out the sentences below and then you write them down in your jotter
  • When your helper is reading the sentences, ask them to please read them slowly and read them a few times so you remember them
  • Remember a capital letter, finger spaces and a full stop. Try and write in your neatest handwriting with small, tall and fall letters. 
  • Read your sentences back after you have finished to make sure you haven’t missed any words. 

Dictated Sentences

1.       He has a big, red car.
2.       My pet crab sits on the rug.
3.       She had fish and chips for lunch.
4.       This pond is not deep for the frog.
5.       I went to the shop with my dog.
6.       I hurt my foot in the park.
7.       The sheep went to church with the farmer.
8.       Three is not a big number.
9.       The shark has lots of sharp teeth.
10.   The man needed a stamp for his box.

Extra Challenge: 

  • Why not draw your own illustrations to match your sentences.
  • Can you make up some dictated sentences for someone in your house? Remember to mark their work afterwards and make sure their sentences are correct!

Game to Support Learning: 

  • Click on the picture below and have a go at ordering sentences with Writing Runway

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