Today we are going to practise lots of different maths skills .
Warm Up:
Can you…..
Count from 0 to 100?
Count to 100 in 10’s?
Count to 100 in 5’s?
Count to 20 in 2’s?
Here are some videos to help you…
This one is a funny one 😁….
Main Activity:
Answer these maths questions – you can write the answer in your jotter or work with an adult and just say the answer out loud.
___, 12, 13 ___, 15. ___
5 + 5 =
1 + 2 + 1 =
10, 20, 30 ___ 50 ___
6 – 2 =
7 + ___ = 9
5 – ___ = 4
4 + 9 =
20, __, 19, ___17, 16
10 + 10 =
Extra Challenge:
Can you make up your own mental maths questions for someone to answer? Remember to be the teacher and mark their work afterwards! How many of your questions can they get right?