Maths Thursday 28th May

Money Thursday

Today we are going to learn about money and about adding coins to make an amount!

Fish - Banking Jokes for Kids

  • We need money so we can pay for things. Can you think of any things you have bought using money?
  • There are lots of different ways we can pay for items. We can use coins, notes or a credit/debit card. Look at these coins…
Warm Up
  • Go on a coin hunt!  Look around the house to see if you can find any coins.  Ask a grown up to help you.  When you have finished talk about the coins you have found.
  • Watch this short sing along video that tells us about the coins 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p.

Play this Game to practise giving the correct amount.   There are different levels of difficulty to choose from:

Cashing In

Main Task

Have a look at the money jars below.  Can you work out how much money is in each jar?  If you have any coins at home you can use these to lay out the amounts shown on the sheet.

Extra Challenge

Can you make these amounts with coins up to 10p?  You could draw round any coins you have at home to show the amount in your jotter!


Games to support Learning:

Toy Shop Money Game

Coins Game

  • If you have time, watch this Numbertime episode all about money – I remember how much you all loved watching Numbertime in class!

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