Hi Primary 1,
I hope you have enjoyed your first week of home learning! Miss Murray and I have enjoyed creating activities this week for all the Primary ones! We hope that all the parents and carers have enjoyed it as well. 🙂
I have been doing home learning with Rosie and Lyla too! They weren’t super excited to have Mummy as their teacher at first, but they are mostly enjoying it now!! We are trying to keep to a timetable, but it’s hard sometimes to keep to it when we are in all day.
We have been getting out for our exercise and fresh air once a day though, and we have also been getting fit with Joe Wick’s live P.E. sessions every morning too. You should try it next week if you didn’t do it this week!
I hope you are all keeping safe and well and keeping everyone else in your house smiling.
Have a lovely weekend and remember to check in on Monday for more maths and literacy activities!
Miss Donald x