Monthly Archives: September 2019
Your child has come home with their homework folder. Please keep everything in the homework folder and put it back into your child’s bag when you are finished – we will be using the sound and word cards in class.
P1 Homework
Please try and go over your words and sounds as often as you can – little and often is usually best.
This weeks sounds are : a t sCan you find these soundsin your word wallet?Can you think of any words that have these sounds at the start?
This weeks words are : a the at Can you find these words in your word wallet? Can you find any of these words in a book or in your house?
Please complete the first page of your workbook in pencil.
Write your name 3 times at the top.
Make sure you are forming your letters correctly – always start at the top.
Draw pictures or get an adult to write words beginning with these sounds in the box at the bottom.
Try playing these games at home: