Homework 23.09.19

Primary 1 Homework


  • This weeks sounds are :  e   c   k
  • Can you make up any 3 letter words with your sounds e.g. can, cat, nip.
  • Can you think of any words that have these sounds at the beginning?


  • This weeks words are :  am  me  my
  • Can you find these words in your word wallet?
  • What sounds are in these words?
  • Can you find any of these words in a book or in your house?


  • Please complete the 4th page of your workbook (with sounds e, c, k) in pencil.


Try playing these pattern and symmetry games at home (they should work on a tablet or phone):



Book of the Week

Our book of the week is ‘The Scarecrow Wedding’ by Julia Donaldson.
  • Can you remember what happened in the beginning, middle and end of the book?
  • Can you remember any of the characters?

Rhyme of the week

10 Green bottles.  This also helps with initial subtraction – 1 more / 1 less

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