
Remember our post last week about retelling the story of the Little Red Hen? Well today we had a go at changing parts of the story to make it our own! We had a Little Green Hen who lived in a cotton candy castle, spiders, farmers & cows that all could talk & instead of corn the animals could eat hotdogs!

It was a lot of fun playing with a familiar story!


Image result for easter holidays

Just a reminder that school closes at 2:30pm on Friday for the Easter Break.

HOMEWORK 25.03.19


  • Common words: Revise all common words learned so far.  Can you make up a  sentence with your  common words?
  • Reading book:  Can you find any ch,  sh or th words?      Which capital letters can you find?  Can you find any of our common words?
  • Sounds:  Our new sound this week is ‘ch’.  Can you read these words:
    • chip               chop                 chin                 chat


 Fairytale of the Week:

Our Fairytale of the week is still The Ugly Duckling.

Can you tell the story to a member of your family?  Perhaps you could draw a picture to help you.  Do bring it into class to show us!

We have set up the tuff spot in the class with lots of props for the children to retell the story.


We had a great morning retelling the story of The Little Red Hen. We listened to the story without pictures, joined in retelling the story with Mrs Thomson & then created a story map. We used the story map to retell the story to a partner. We couldn’t believe how well we could tell the story!

We have also been learning how to tell the time using o’clock – we are getting pretty good.

18/3/19 Homework


  • Common words: Revise all common words learned so far.                                                         Can you make up a  sentence with your                                                           common words?
  • Reading book:  Can you find any  sh or th words?                                                                         Which  capital letters can you find?                                                                    Can you find any of our common words?
  • Sound cards:  Our new sound this week is ‘th’.   Which words can you write that begin with ‘th’?  Can you read these words?








Complete the maths worksheet in your folder.

 Fairytale of the Week:

Our Fairytale of the week is The Ugly Duckling.
We have set up the tuff spot in the class with lots of props and masks for the children to retell the story.
Please encourage your child to retell the Fairytale to you at home. Ask them about the different characters. Where was the story set? What happened in the beginning, middle and end of the story?

Thank you for your continued support.

Teach Your Monster to Read

It appears that the wrong code for Teach Your Monster to Read was put on the P1 homework for this week. The code for P1 is:


This should allow you to have a go at home – I haven’t set any passwords so that it’s easier for children to work it in school. Their usernames are just their first name. I’ll pop a wee card into their homework folder on Monday.

Please note that if you want to use it on a tablet or phone you may have to pay for the app as it was only free for a certain period (but I’ll let you know if they are providing it free again!) however it should be free to play on a computer through the web.

Homework 11/3/19


  • It is Parents Night this Thursday (14th March). You will have received a text message with your meeting time.
  • The Book Fair is in school this week. P1 will be visiting the book fair on Wednesday afternoon to see which books are available. The Book Fair will be open on Parents Night for you to visit.


Please see post from the other day about the ‘Teach your Monster to read’ app.
You can download it from the app store for phones and tablets or just go onto the website on a computer http://www.teachyourmonstertoread.com/u/2608681.
I have registered all the children in the class – they don’t need a password but need to enter the code 2507523 into the star field.
Continue to play this game at home – it works on  tablet or computer:


  • Common words:  this weeks words are      here  her  before                                                        complete the last page of the homework                                                       booklet
  • Reading book:  can you find any ‘ch‘ or ‘sh‘ words?                                                                     which  capital letters can you find?                                                                     can you find any of our common words?
  • Sound cards:   Can you read these words?  Try making a silly sentence using some of the words.  E.g. I wish I had a chip in a ship.








Play this game at home. Click on the ‘addition +’ train and then one of the games in the first column.
Can you work out the sums below. Remember to put the big number in your pocket and add on the small number.

3 + 5 =

3 + 4 =

5 + 5 =

3 + 8 =

4 + 5  =

1 + 9  =

11 + 8 =

double 6

double 4

 Fairytale of the Week:

The children have enjoyed Little Red Riding Hood so much that we have decided to make it this week’s Fairytale too.
Please encourage your child to retell the Fairytale to you at home. Ask them about what happens in the beginning, middle and end of the story. How did the character feel? What do they think would happen next?



World Book Day

We had a fantastic day celebrating World Book Day!

We had the opportunity to visit 4 classrooms & listen to 4 different stories:

First we went to Mrs Lennon’s class to listen to The Cat in the Hat. We completed a couple of activities before moving onto Mrs Lang’s class to listen to Cops & Robbers & create a wanted poster.

After playtime we went to Miss Murray’s class to listen to The Tiger Who Came to Tea & have a tea party before finishing in our own class with Mrs Thomson reading The Day the Crayons Quit.

World Book Day & Pancake Breakfast

Just a reminder that tomorrow is World Book Day – the children are invited to come along wearing a costume of their favourite character or in their PJ’s for a bedtime story. We have some lovely activities ready for them to take part in!

Friday is the Pancake Breakfast – you are all invited to come along to listen to our lovely singing & enjoy a delicious home-made pancake 🙂 As part of our performance we’d like the children to bring in their teddy bear.


Homework 4/3/19


  • P1 are singing at 9:15am on Friday at the Pancake Breakfast.Children can bring along a teddy bear on Friday as part of their song.
  • It is World Book Day this Thursday, 7th March. Children can come to school dressed as a character from a book or dressed ready for a bedtime story. There will be lots of fun activities throughout the day for them to participate in.
  • Comic Relief is on 15th March. Children are invited to bring £1 to wear red or sport crazy hair (or both!) 


Play this games at home – it works on  tablet or computer:


  • Common words:  this weeks words are     came  off  all  him                                                       complete one page of the homework booklet
  • Reading book:  can you find any ‘sh‘ words?                                                                                   which  capital letters can you find?                                                                     can you find any of our common words?
  • Sound cards:  How many ‘sh’ words can you make? Can you read these and put them in a sentence.








Play this game at home. Click on the ‘addition +’ train and then one of the games in the first column.
Can you work out the sums below. Remember to put the big number in your pocket and add on the small number.

7 + 5 =

6 + 4 =

4 + 5 =

3 + 9 =

4 + 8  =

1 + 20  =

7 + 5 =

double 4

double 3

 Fairytale of the Week:

Our Fairytale this week is ‘Little Red Riding Hood‘.
Please encourage your child to retell the Fairytale to you at home. Ask them about what happens in the beginning, middle and end of the story. How did the character feel? What do they think would happen next?