This week we checked children’s recall of sounds and words. See inside the homework folder to see how well your child has done.
Please take the time to do the word wallet every night with your child as this will pay off.
- Write your name 3 times at the top of the page
- Make sure to use a pencil to make it easy to rub out mistakes
- Please help your child by making sure they hold their pencil properly
Complete this week’s page with the sounds g l f .
Think of words beginning with this week’s sounds. You may wish to write the words for the children or get them to draw a picture.
Word wallet:
Find the words:
Revise the words: my am me
a at the I in it an is and
Find the sounds: a t s i p n r m d e c k
- Get your child to say the word and sound.
- Can you think of a word with that sound?
- Do you remember the jolly phonics song and the action for the sound?
Play this game to help you count:
- Complete the number sheet inside your homework to practise writing numbers.
- Our special number this week is 10. Where can you see these numbers around your house or on your walk to school?
- Can you count out 10 things in your bedroom? What happens if you take one away?