Homework 25.09.18

This week we will be assessing your child’s words and sounds in class. Please make sure you go over these at home every night. 🙂 



  • Write your name 3 times at the top of the page
  • Make sure to use a pencil to make it easy to rub out mistakes
  • Please help your child by making sure they hold their pencil properly
Complete this week’s page with the sounds   e  c  k .
Think of words beginning with this week’s sounds. You may wish to write the words for the children or get them to draw a picture.

Word wallet:

Find the words:   an   is   and
Revise the words:
a   at   the   I   in   it

Find the sounds:    a  t   s   i   p   n   r   m   d    e   c   k

  • Get your child to say the word and sound.
  • Can you think of a word with that sound?
  • Do you remember the jolly phonics song and the action for the sound?


Play this game to help you count:


  • Our special numbers this week are 8 and 9. Where can you see these numbers around your house or on your walk to school?
  • Can you count out 8 things in your bedroom? What happens if you take one away?

Nursery Rhyme of the Week:

Image result for little miss muffet

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