S4 N4/N5 Design Folio Deadline

Both Expressive & Design Folios will be mounted and submitted to the SQA for marking in session 2021/2022.

The department deadline for pupils to complete their Design Folio is Wednesday 15th December 2021.

Pupils are encouraged to work towards this deadline by balancing classwork and developing/finishing work at home (where possible).

Supported study is on offer in the department. Pupils should speak with their class teacher if they are interested in this opportunity: to find out available times/slots.

Remember, all work is expected to be complete and submitted by Wednesday 15th December 2021.

THS Art & Design Team

BGE Homework

Trainer homework from pupils in Mrs. Pollock’s class and Electronics homework from pupils in Mrs. Devlin’s class.

Quality tonal work on display here, well done. Applause to everyone putting extra effort into their work out with the classroom, it’s noted and we appreciate it! Such talent.

Parents’ Evening

A quick reminder of the upcoming online meeting to discuss pupils’ progress and support parents to know how to help with next steps in learning.

S5/6 Parents’ Evening on Thursday 11th November – Slots for National 5/Higher Art & Design and Photography.

S4 Parents’ Evening on Tuesday 16th November – Slots for National 4/5 Art & Design.

N5 Folio Submission

Following the Easter extension, pupils are asked to submit their complete folio to Teams. Staff are preparing folios to be assessed so all evidence must be uploaded to Teams by Friday 30/04.

Art & Design Assessments and Photography Assessment

N5 pupils are advised to study for their assessment on Friday 7th May (Period 3 + 4): Class 4F and Class 4G.

Pupils will be asked to demonstrate their knowledge of design elements and designers (Louis Comfort Tiffany (The Wisteria Lamp, 1901) and Tom Dixon (The Etch Light, 2010)), when answering the question paper.

Pupils are asked to study the design content discussed in class too.

Higher pupils are advised to study for their assessment on Tuesday 4th May (Period 6+7).

Pupils are asked to revise the course content discussed in class.

Photography pupils are advised to study for their assessment on Wednesday 5th May (Period 5+6).

Pupils are asked to revise the course content discussed in class.

Extension on Photography Folio Submission Deadline


Well done to everyone who has been working hard on the completion of their Final Project Photography Folios and getting work uploaded to your Teams folders as well as the assignments.

If students are not quite complete with their folio then they must work to complete everything over the Easter Break.

Student’s work must all be submitted, at the latest by SUNDAY 18th April 2021. It is very important that students meet this extended deadline as staff will prepare folios to be assessed after the holidays and their Final 8 Photographs will be printed off, also ready for assessment.


After the holidays we will be gathering some more evidence of your critical skills and techniques knowledge. Students are advised to study the course over the holidays to refresh their knowledge. Students will find all PowerPoints covered in class in the Photography Techniques Channel on Teams. Use these with the list of YouTube video clips, the handouts and personal notes to recap on your understanding.

Good luck with the revision and enjoy your Easter Holiday also.

THS Art & Design Department

Extension on Expressive Folio Submission Deadline


If students have met the deadline of uploading all of their completed Expressive folio work to the assignment with the deadline of 31.03.21 then well done.

If a student has not met that deadline fully and for reasons did not manage to make the Expressive Folio Deadline on Wednesday 31.03.21, you now have an extension over the Easter Break to catch-up.

The submission date of 31.03.21 was already 3 weeks later than what would have been the normal deadline, as we have taken into account that we are working under challenging circumstances. The Art & Design Department are trying to provide as much support and time as possible for students to complete their Art and Design course and that is why we are offering a further extension over the Easter Break.

Students should use this time wisely as this will be the last extension period available to complete their folio work. After the Easter Break, work will be getting prepared to be marked so all work MUST be complete and uploaded to the assignment set by their class teacher by SUNDAY 18TH APRIL 2021.​

A reminder of folio work that has to be completed by Sunday 18th April:

  • 2 Single Objects
  • 2 Compositions
  • 1 final piece (For N5 and Higher)

If you have completed more than this then just upload all work.

​We look forward to seeing all of your work.

Enjoy your Easter Holiday.

THS Art and Design Team

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