GSofA Architecture Portfolio Building
Again, if you are interested please speak to a member of the Art, Design and Photography Team.
May 21/2023
THS Photographers: Class of 2023
A lot of creative content was created for the Personal Project Folio, this year. Varied locations and approaches can be see from our photographers: fully exploring the exposure triangle, including the creative and technical approaches within photography.
Victoria Kane
Finn Formosa
Freya Forsyth
Rachel Tierney
Michael Stratton
Chloe Brown
Noor Fatima Naseer Daood
Keryn Feeley
Kiera Muir
Courtney Rehill
Eleyza Mohammed
April 25/2023
Pupil feedback from Easter School ’23 Supported Study
It was a good experience before exam as we go through some theory stuff which was helpful and clear my doubt on histogram and also always use what where, why which always helped me.
Thought it was good. Enjoyed content and took some good notes. Enjoyed the multiple choice practice.
I thought this was helpful because there were many handouts and new notes given out which helped to expand my knowledge. The practice questions were very useful.
I thought that we learned technical and compositional technique. The handouts helped a lot to answer questions and explained the terms better. This practice will help with studying a lot.
I thought this session really awesome & benefitted us, we have took some valuable info away with us to help us study! Thank you! Can’t wait to apply my knowledge! Yass!
January 28/2023
Our photographers were busy creating Light Trails on Friday.
There was a lot of excitement in the studio as pupils experimented with Shutter Speed (S/Tv). Class 6E managed to produce various shapes (using torches on their phones) and capture font by painting with light.
Next, our photographers will be challenged to develop this work with coloured gels/torches.
What a buzz, well done all. Keep an eye out for other experimental images, yet to be posted…
December 07/2022
6E Higher Photography, 30-Day Photography Challenge
Fantastic work from our Higher Photographers who participated in the 30-Day Photography Challenge.
Pupils were challenged to make 1 photograph a day (using their phone or a DSLR camera) and consider their technical and compositional approach, when light travels through the lens.
Some options were:
Day 2: Changes to Come
Day 5: Archway
Day 15: Capture ‘The Weekend’
Day 19: Into the Night
Day 24: Recreate a Meme of your Choice.
Following this, pupils experienced their first mini exhibition by creating their own wall display in our design studio. Each pupil selected their top photograph (printed on gloss paper) from their overall shoot to put on display.
The wall is visually striking, well done. A variety of stunning compositions with a diverse range of colour palettes and subject matter.
March 06/2022
January 28, 2022
S6 Higher Photography
The main emphasis in Higher Photography in Art and Design is to provide opportunities for students to build skills, techniques and knowledge associated with digital photography and graphic software towards building a portfolio of creative photographs.
The course is essentially practical in content but there is a strong written element, consisting of understanding photography techniques, skills and application as well as researching and analysing the work of well-known photographers and in planning and evaluating learners’ own work.
Students must be able to work independently and be prepared to undertake practical assignments outside of school and in their own time.
Recommended Entry
- A keen interest in digital photography and aesthetics.
Higher English gained in S5 or sitting Higher English in S6
This aspect of the course allows students to demonstrate their creative and practical photography skills and their ability to evaluate their own work and practice. Students undertake a large project based on a theme of their own choice selected from the photographic genres of landscape, portrait, fashion and beauty, the industrial or built environment and nature. There are a total of 100 marks for the Course Assessment and it is sent to the SQA for marking.
Question Paper/ Exam
The question paper assesses candidates’ knowledge and understanding of photographic work and practice.
Final Folio Project: 100 marks (77% of overall marks)
Question Paper/ Written Exam : 30 marks, 1 hour (23% of overall marks)
December 10, 2021
Students are encouraged to complete and submit their Folio Proposal and Research on Chosen Photographers for Inspiration – submitting this work through their Teams assignments.
December 02, 2021
November 16, 2021
A variety of photography techniques seen in these exceptional shoots.
November 12, 2021
Thanks to all our Photography students for getting involved in supporting/helping to organise the P7 transition photographs for 2022. Our photographers had their first live experience of what a commissioned job could be. Students had taken a variety of photographs across different departments and areas of our school to provide P7 pupils a sneak peek at our wonderful school. Well done again to all our participants for applying their technical knowledge to a photoshoot.
Week Beginning 29th March
Photography Folio Extension
Well done to everyone who has been working hard on the completion of their Final Project Photography Folios and getting work uploaded to your Teams folders as well as the assignments.
If students are not quite complete with their folio then they must work to complete everything over the Easter Break.
Student’s work must all be submitted, at the latest by SUNDAY 18th April 2021. It is very important that students meet this extended deadline as staff will prepare folios to be assessed after the holidays and their Final 8 Photographs will be printed off, also ready for assessment.
After the holidays we will be gathering some more evidence of your critical skills and techniques knowledge. Students are advised to study the course over the holidays to refresh their knowledge. Students will find all PowerPoints covered in class in the Photography Techniques Channel on Teams. Use these with the list of YouTube video clips, the handouts and personal notes to recap on your understanding.
Good luck with the revision and enjoy your Easter Holiday also.
THS Art & Design Department
Week Beginning 8th March
Higher Photography pupils are continuing to work on photoshoots for their final folios and uploading a small selection of photos from their shoot for feedback.
Week Beginning 22nd February
Higher Photography pupils are continuing to work on photoshoots for their final folios and uploading a small selection of photos from their shoot for feedback.
February 15, 2021
THS Art & Design would like to offer Higher Photography pupils the opportunity for some additional support through the form of a Live Drop-in Session.
Drop in to say hello, let us know how you are getting on, ask questions and tell us if you are having any issues that we can help you with.
Join us on Tuesday 16th February @ 10:50 am – 11:40 am live on the Higher Photography Teams Page.
Mrs Pollock will be available for support and to answer any questions.
We are looking forward to hearing from you.
THS Art & Design Team.
Week Beginning 25th January
Higher Photography are continuing to work on their Final Photography folios at home and should refer to their assignments on their class Teams about uploading their folio work to get feedback and further instruction on their course work from their class Teacher.
January 18, 2021
Higher Photography Mrs Pollock’s Class: LIVE TUTORIAL
Mrs Pollock will be taking a live tutorial on Teams on Tuesday 19th 2021 at 10:50am. This is a great opportunity for Higher Photography students in Mrs Pollock’s class to drop in and have a chat about how they are getting on with their folios and assignments.
Information about how to join the meeting will be posted to the Higher Photography Teams page.
Pupils should continue to monitor their Teams pages for notifications about assignments and updates on class work. Their teacher will be in regular contact and will provide guidance and folio support.
January 15, 2021
Hello S6 Higher Photography Students.
The Art and Design Teaching Team of Taylor High School will work with you to answer questions and to also support you where possible for you to continue on your Photography journey.
Course information will be regularly updated here and on the Home Page of this site.
Higher Photography – d3skwai