
March 12, 2022

S3 collages using coloured pens and/or craft knifes. Then, developing their work on Photoshop – to eventually produce some textile designs. Well done.

March 09, 2022

S3 Digital Homework

March 06, 2002

January 28, 2022

Within S3 we study an exciting range of Design and Art Expressive activities. 


Want to become a designer? Learn the skills here. The design element will develop your ability to progress personal creative design ideas and solutions. Just like a real designer would do.  

You will cultivate and communicate imaginative design solutions following a design brief and produce a folio based on one of the following themes: 

  • Graphic Design 
  • Product Design 
  • Fashion/Textile Design/Mask Design

You will also be able to understand the factors influencing designers and design practice by studying designers related to your practical theme.


Develop your skills as an artist. You will acquire a range of 2D and 3D skills and techniques to express your personal ideas and feelings by drawing, painting, printmaking and sculpture. You will produce a folio based on one of the following themes: 

  • Still Life 
  • Portraiture 
  • The Built Environment 
  • Landscape 



You will also be able to understand the factors influencing artists as you will study artists related to your practical theme. 

December 21, 2021

Tonal kettle studies.


December 10, 2021

S3 Press Printing layered with Paint. Pupils were loosely linking their work to the colourful approaches seen in Pop Art. Great observations and development of a homework piece. Well done.

November 16, 2021

For homework, pupils in Mr. Mullen’s S3 class were tasked to capture an object of their choosing – below is a fantastic gallery of their exceptionally creative returns. Interesting subject matter and use of media.

November 8, 2021

A collection of S3 Lighthouses – combining washes of colour and controlled cutting techniques. Creative work, well done Mrs Devlin’s class.

Week Beginning 8th March


This week, S3 will learn background information about artist Ralph Goings. On reading the PowerPoint, pupils will discover facts about Ralph Goings and information relating to his studio work: how he approached work as an artist and the technology influences on his studio practice. The supported PowerPoint audio will help to guide pupils through his fascinating life and work. Once pupils absorb all the information in the PowerPoint, they should complete the QUIZ posted on their Teams page.

THS Art & Design Team.

Week Beginning 22nd February

Trainer Design Project

This week, S3 are going to have the exciting opportunity to learn about trainer design as well as designing their own trainer.  

Pupils will need to look at the lesson through PowerPoint. Make sure the PowerPoint is in SLIDESHOW when viewing it as there is a voice over that would be helpful for pupils to listen to.

This assignment will involve pupils learning and understanding: 

  • What designers need to consider when making a product.
  • How to look at and understand what market research is for within the design process.
  • Considering design themes.
  • Creating their own trainer design.

THS Art & Design Team can’t wait to see your designs. 

February  16, 2021

Brilliant observations of Still Life objects! Well done.

Week Beginning 25th January


This week in Art & Design, S3 will only be assigned one project as it’s a large project with a lot of tasks to complete. No additional homework will be set this week. Pupils are asked to carefully read the Still Life PowerPoint, which includes 4 lessons. Pupils aren’t expected to do the extension task.

Lesson 1 (Investigation)

Pupils will learn about the work of other artists. Further, pupils will develop their observational skills: their use of line and shape.

For lesson 1, pupils will concentrate on ellipses and cylinders. If a pupil does not have a particular object to draw from, pupils could work from a photograph of an object. Therefore, this project may require some online research which pupils should ask for permission for by a parent or guardian.

Lesson 2 (Investigation)

Pupils will construct a cylinder and add tone to create form.

Lesson 3 (Development)

Throughout the Investigation stage, pupils should have learnt the basic principles and approaches to creating ellipses and cylinders. Using the processes given, pupils are asked to capture one of the objects from the images on the PowerPoint.

Lesson 4 (Outcome)

Using prior knowledge, pupils are now asked to complete a full Still Life composition – pupils should only select and approach one composition from the images provided on the PowerPoint. Once complete, pupils are asked to evaluate their work, on the back of their composition.

The Art & Design Department look forward to seeing their work and giving feedback!

January 18, 2021

Assignments are available on Teams and pupils should return their work by the set deadline.


This week in Art & Design, S3 will take inspiration from American designer Saul Bass and create their own poster for a film or a TV programme of their choice. Pupils are asked to carefully read the Saul Bass Poster Design PowerPoint. The poster should contain an eye-catching title and include simple imagery. The poster should have a limited colour scheme – pupils can use whatever materials available to them (perhaps a drawing, coloured design or collage).

In addition to this, pupils are asked to complete a tonal study for their homework.

The Art & Design Department look forward to seeing their work and giving feedback!

January 15, 2021

Hello S3 Art and Design Students.

Course information will be regularly updated here and on the Home Page of this site.


Mrs. Pollock

3I – 1mie6an

Mr. Mullen

3F2 – ki16v3p

Mrs. Devlin

3F1 – fzgu3ky

Mr. Costello 

3F3 – 3mqnckq

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