Advanced Higher

October 9, 2023

Glasgow School of Art Open House (S5/6)

At the Glasgow campus in Garnethill, Open Days for prospective students for Undergraduate and Postgraduate study will take place on 27 and 28 October and you are welcome to attend on either or both of these days. There is no need to attend both but studios throughout the campus will be open for the duration of the two days so book and join us as you like – why not make a weekend of it in one of Europe’s top city destinations?

September 18, 2023

GSofA Architecture Portfolio Building
The Glasgow School of Art are searching for S5/6 pupils interested in an Architecture Portfolio Course: a 10-week course. This would be exceptionally useful for applying directly to Art School and help to build a folio for your application, etc.
If anyone is interested in this exciting opportunity, please speak to a member of the Art, Design and Photography Team.
GSofA Film Club
GSA: We are inviting S5 and S6 pupils to “Watch & Chat’, a fortnightly drop-in film club (on Teams) showcasing a diverse range of contemporary creative practitioners. The group discussions will help to develop good secondary research skills and provide a space to practice talking about art, design and architecture in preparation for potential future interviews.
Again, if you are interested please speak to a member of the Art, Design and Photography Team.

MAY 21, 2023

OUTSTANDING final solutions to our 2023 Advanced Higher folios.

‘Are You Here?’ by Rachel Tierney

‘My Healthcare Hero’ by Courtney Rehill

The Art & Design Team are in awe of this quality work – a huge well done for your commitment this year.

January 28, 2022

S6 Art & Design Advanced Higher

The main emphasis of Advanced Higher Enquiry is either EXPRESSIVE or DESIGN. It provides opportunities for students to reap the benefits of early groundwork by promoting increased student independence as the course is learner-centered and includes investigative and practical learning opportunities.

*Student would either create a Design Folio or an Expressive Folio, NOT BOTH. They would be given a choice of which area they would prefer to study.  

Recommended Entry

  • Higher Art & Design pass at A or B

Folio Requirements

The Design Folio and the Expressive Folio both have practical elements as well as Contextual Analysis Essay.


Learners will develop creativity, problem solving and critical thinking skills and consider complex design opportunities, and work to resolve design issues and constraints. In the folio, learners will develop critical understanding of designers’ working practices and the social and cultural influences impacting their work.


Learners will develop their personal thoughts and ideas in visual form. They will be expected to develop the enquiry through study of a personally selected area or theme based on or related to the visual arts.


The contextual analysis allows candidates to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of design practice and contexts that have an impact on a design work.


Design OR Expressive practical element of folio: 64 Marks—64% of overall marks

Contextual Analysis: 30 Marks — 30% of overall marks

Evaluation: 6 Marks — 6% of overall marks

There is no formal exam for Advanced Higher Art or Design. All folio work is sent to SQA.

November 22, 2021

Various stages of Advanced Higher work. Exceptionally creative work.

Graphic Design

Textile Design

Week Beginning 8th March

Advanced Higher pupils are continuing with their Design Folios and uploading their work into a digital folio.

Week Beginning 22nd February

Advanced Higher pupils are continuing with their Design Folios and uploading their work into a digital folio.

February 15, 2021


THS Art & Design would like to offer Advanced Higher pupils the opportunity for some additional support through the form of a Live Drop-in Session.

Drop in to say hello, let us know how you are getting on, ask questions and tell us if you are having any issues that we can help you with.

Join us on Wednesday 17th February @ 09:00 am – 09:30 am live on the Advanced Higher Design Teams Page.

Mrs Pollock will be available for support and to answer any questions.

We are looking forward to hearing from you. 

THS Art & Design Team.

Week Beginning 25th January

Design Folios

Advanced Highers are continuing to work on their Design Folios at home and should refer to their assignments on their class Teams about uploading their folio Design work to get feedback and further instruction on their course work from their class Teacher.

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