It is Children’s Mental Health Week (1-7 February 2021). This year’s theme is Express Yourself. We encourage everyone in the Taylor High community to use creativity as a healing tool: Connecting mind, body & imagination.
Children need a way to process and make sense of their experiences, but as neuroscience shows us, simply talking about problems often isn’t enough. That’s where the power of creativity becomes an essential healing tool, because it offers the means for children to ‘work things out’ as well as expressing their feelings and telling their stories. In doing so, children can envision a better, more hopeful future. That’s where the power of creativity becomes an essential healing tool, because it offers the means for children to express their feelings, and envision a better, more hopeful future (childrensmentalhealthweek.org.uk).
Follow the links below to find a variety of therapeutic art techniques, helping you to relax and de-stress:
100 Art Therapy Exercises
37 Art Therapy Techniques for De-Stressing This Season
Express Yourself.
THS Art & Design Team.