Primary 7 Parents information session presentation

2021 P7 Parents Meeting

NLC Spring Break Digital Supported Study Offer

This year the Digital School has coordinated a Spring Break Digital Supported Study Offer to further support young people in S4 – S6 who are undertaking National Qualifications.

These supported sessions will be in the form of subject specific master classes at National 5 and Higher level delivered by North Lanarkshire teaching staff. Timetabling of the classes can be viewed on the attached programme. All sessions will be delivered via Microsoft Teams and will last approximately 1 hour.

In order to attend any of the master classes you should follow the link below, where you’ll be asked to sign in to this using your Glow username and password. 

Please select the supported study sessions you would like to attend and make sure you only select 1 session for each timeslot per day.
You will then be added to a Microsoft Team for each study session you sign up to, the study session will then take place on the appropriate team at the advertised time in the form of a Microsoft Teams meeting.

There may be events/circumstances which mean that a session is unable to run.  Any cancellations or rescheduling will be communicated directly to you via your Glow email.

All places must be booked by 1pm on Thursday 1st April.

Taylor’s got Talent!

Things are starting to look a little more normal and to cheer See the source image everyone up we have organised a virtual talent show!

The Talent Show was to raise awareness for World Down Syndrome Day on 21st March!

Here at Taylor High, we took part in a ‘odd sock’ day on Monday 22nd to mark the event.

See the source image

Pupils will get the chance to vote on who their favourite act is via a Microsoft teams poll. Thank you to all the great talents who took part! We hope you enjoy the video!

Schools asymptomatic testing programme update

On Tuesday 23rd March, Jason Leitch, in partnership with Young Scot, will be hosting two live Q&A sessions for young people regarding the testing programme.

The first event will take place at 13:30 for S1-S3 pupils and there will be a further session with S4-S6 pupils at 16:30.

The live events will be held on e-Sgoil so that any school across Scotland can access.  Links will be shared to recorded sessions after the event.

Further information is available at

See the source image

Taylor High School Virtual Pilgrimage Update

Here’s a Video summarising what the Virtual Pilgrimage is, why we’re doing it and how you can get involved.

To complete an entry form follow one of the links below:

Pupil –

Staff –

Community –

To donate to our virtual wee box follow this link:

Thank you for all your support