Taylor’s got Talent!

Things are starting to look a little more normal and to cheer See the source image everyone up we have organised a virtual talent show!

The Talent Show was to raise awareness for World Down Syndrome Day on 21st March!

Here at Taylor High, we took part in a ‘odd sock’ day on Monday 22nd to mark the event.

See the source image

Pupils will get the chance to vote on who their favourite act is via a Microsoft teams poll. Thank you to all the great talents who took part! We hope you enjoy the video!

Schools asymptomatic testing programme update

On Tuesday 23rd March, Jason Leitch, in partnership with Young Scot, will be hosting two live Q&A sessions for young people regarding the testing programme.

The first event will take place at 13:30 for S1-S3 pupils and there will be a further session with S4-S6 pupils at 16:30.

The live events will be held on e-Sgoil so that any school across Scotland can access.  Links will be shared to recorded sessions after the event.

Further information is available at


See the source image

Taylor High School Virtual Pilgrimage Update

Here’s a Video summarising what the Virtual Pilgrimage is, why we’re doing it and how you can get involved.

To complete an entry form follow one of the links below:

Pupil – http://bit.ly/ths-sudan-pupil

Staff – http://bit.ly/ths-sudan-staff

Community – http://bit.ly/ths-sudan-friends

To donate to our virtual wee box follow this link:


Thank you for all your support

Newsletter and Live Lesson Timetable for 15.03.21

The live lesson schedules for week 2 have been attached below. S1/2/3 are under ‘BGE’ and S4 and S5/6 have been separated due to  a high number of lessons being offered.

BGE 15.03.21

S4 15.03.21

Senior Phase 15.03.21

Image result for online learning

We understand that some live lessons might overlap or clash when pupils are in school for face-to-face learning. We have moved lessons around so that they have been made available to as many pupils as possible.

Please read the Parent Newsletter attached below along with an important message from the SQA.

Parent Newsletter 12 Mar 21

SQA Message for parentsScottish Qualifications Authority - SQAIf there are any technical issues, please do not hesitate to contact our digital support team at: digitalsupport@taylor.n-lanark.sch.uk

Also, if there are any other issues, please contact your child’s pupil support teacher.

Happy Weekend, Stay Safe Everyone!

S2 Options Parent Information Session

Dear Parent,

As described in the school newsletter, the S2 Options Information Session for parents will take place tomorrow, Thursday 11 March at 7pm.

Please find below a link for this online meeting which uses the Webex platform. Please note that meetings are limited to 50 minutes; if more time is required, you can click the same link to re-enter the room.

JOIN THE MEETING HERE: https://meet21.webex.com/meet21/j.php?MTID=m74612b0c386afe850af2a2869f2d766d

We look forward to ‘meeting’ you tomorrow.

Kind regards,

Miss Rooney

WEEK 1 – Live lesson TT

The live lesson schedules for week 1 have been attached below. S1/2/3 are under ‘BGE’ and s4 and s5/6 have been separated.

BGE 08.03.21

S4 TT 08.03.21

Senior Phase 08.03.21

If there are any technical issues, please do not hesitate to contact our digital support team at: digitalsupport@taylor.n-lanark.sch.uk

Also, If there are any other issues, please contact your child’s pupil support teacher by phoning the school. TEL:  01698 274 976

*Please see important information below, about the further return of pupils, from the Executive Director of Education and Families, Derek Brown.*

Parent-Carer Letter DB – March 21

Thank you and Stay Safe.