Category: Latest News

S5&6 Parents meeting Booklet

We are looking forward to welcoming along to our online event this evening the parents/carers of our S5/6 pupils.

Also please click on the link below for access to the supported study programme being offered

Supported Study Programme 2021-22

Further support can be found here Virtual Parents’ Meetings | Taylor High School (

Parent Newsletter

Maths and Numeracy Information Evening

A reminder to our S1 parents and guardians that the Maths Department are hosting a Maths and Numeracy Information Evening on Tuesday 2nd November at 6.30pm via webex – a link has been emailed out to access this.

We hope that the information evening will give you an insight into the learning your child experiences in Mathematics. As well as this, we hope to provide you with guidance and advice to help best support your child with maths and numeracy at home in preparation for their upcoming assessment.

Parent Newsletter

Maths and Numeracy Information Evening

The Mathematics Department at Taylor High School would like to invite S1 parents and guardians to attend a Maths and Numeracy Information Evening on Tuesday 2nd November at 6.30pm via webex.

We hope that the information evening will give you an insight into the learning your child experiences in Mathematics. As well as this, we hope to provide you with guidance and advice to help best support your child with maths and numeracy at home in preparation for their upcoming assessment. An email will be sent out on Monday with a link to attend the meeting.

Parental Newsletter