Category: Latest News

Scottish Apprenticeship Week

DYW Lanarkshire and East Dunbartonshire are delighted to invite your school community  to take part in our National Apprenticeship Week Event over the week of 7th March.  We have a packed calendar of interactive workshops that will increase awareness of the apprenticeship family, the range of career opportunities available in the construction industry, what these careers involve, pathways into them and support and advice on how young people can find and get the job that is right for them in the industry. To mark International Women’s Day on 8th March we have a number of sessions that day and throughout the week that will highlight Women in Construction. The event is targeted at S1 to S6 pupils.

These sessions and will be delivered by employees and apprentices from construction firms working in Lanarkshire and colleagues from DYW and other partners. Full information on the session content and how to take part are detailed below.

The interactive Apprenticeship Week Timetable below provides and overview of all the sessions taking place during the week of 7th March with a daily session guide for each day providing more detail on the session content.

Each session will be 30 minutes long with presenters from industry delivering a presentation, then taking questions through the chat bar from schools
2022 Timetable






09.10 – 09.40 

What are Foundation, Modern and Graduate Apprenticeships?

Helen Allison SDS

Career Opportunities in Construction

Hadden Group 

Finding your dream job!

Hadden Group 

How to Smash an Interview! Hadden Group  


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10.00 – 10.30 

Behind The Gates – Introduction to Construction

Robertson Construction

International Women’s Day

Women in Construction CCG Trainee Quantity Surveyor Emma Kiely

What is an Apprenticeship?

McTaggart Construction 

Introduction to Soil Engineering, Ground Investigation, Drilling and Grouting

Garry Kennedy


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11.00 – 11.30 

Ideal Candidate – How to be best prepared:

Robertson Construction

What is a Civil Engineer?

Shona Hainey from Amey

Introducing the Apprentice Family

McTaggart Construction 

Civil Engineering in Practice in North Lanarkshire

AECOM – Civil Engineering


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11.50 – 12.20 

Routes to Apprenticeship in Construction

Robertson Construction

Construction Site Management Graduate Apprentice Robert McLaughlin,

900 Jobs in Construction

McTaggart Construction 

Construction Management via Graduate Apprenticeships

Megan McDonald -Morgan Sindall


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13.30 – 14.00 

International Women’s Day

Women in Construction Management via Graduate Apprenticeships

Megan McDonald -Morgan Sindall

A Day in the Life of an Environmental Consultant


The role of an apprentice and their experiences on a construction project



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14.15 – 14.45 

Balfour Beatty’s emerging talent and apprenticeship careers programme – Joseph Druggan

International Women’s Day

Introduction to Surveying

Alana Carey, Graduate Apprentice Surveyor BAM

How to Become and Architect. The Route from Education to Profession

Caitlin MacLeod Collective Architecture


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Have your say: Learning, Teaching and Assessment


Learning Teaching and Assessment Focus Group

We would like to invite all parents to join in our Have your say event focusing on Learning an Teaching in Taylor High school

Our Second ‘Have Your Say’ fortnight starts week commencing 7th March with a focus on asking parents/carers on their views of the school’s approaches to Learning Teaching and Assessment. We aim to find out about the young person’s experiences within the classroom across all areas of the curriculum. It is important for young people to be aware of the reason for learning, (skills development) and what is expected of them, (success criteria) pupils should be aware of where they are in their learning (assessment) and how to improve (feedback).

We capture this information through an online survey and through an online video discussion group. The information gained from the survey, together with focus group discussions, will shape the teaching policy in Taylor High.

Online discussion forum takes place on Thursday 10th March at 7pm

To sign up to the focus group please click here

Online survey opens today

To complete the online survey click here

Scottish Apprenticeship Week 2022

In support of Scottish Apprenticeship Week 2022 running from 7th March 2022 – 11th March 2022 the Vocational Education Team are hosting a number of information sessions on Vocational Education & Foundation Apprenticeships available throughout North Lanarkshire.  This is an excellent opportunity for pupils, parents and employers to find out more about the programmes on offer.

 Each session will be tailored to specific groups to provide information on the programmes currently available, how they work, how they help young people on their career journey and how they help employers to support their future workforce needs. 

 Please see below links for people to attend these insightful sessions, we will communicate these links via the channels within the table below but have provided you with a copy to share with anyone else who may benefit from this.




Eventbrite Link

Target Audience

Monday 7th March

2:00pm – 3:00 pm Internal Employers

Tuesday 8th March

6:00pm – 7:00 pm Pupil & Parents

Wednesday 9th March

4:15pm – 5:00pm Secondary School Staff

Thursday 10th March

2:00pm – 3:00pm External Employers

Friday 11th March

2:00pm – 3:00pm https://www.eventbrite.c

Have Your Say

Our first ‘Have Your Say’ fortnight starts next week with a focus on asking parents/carers on their views of the school’s approaches to communication. Effective engagement with parents and carers is a priority for us and we know it is important to you as well. Over the next 2 weeks, we would like to capture your feedback about how well we communicate with parents and carers. We will do this through an online survey, and also through an online video discussion group. The information gained from the survey, together with focus group discussions, will shape how both the school and the parent council communicate with our school community.

ONLINE SURVEY : Please click here to take a few minutes to share your thoughts and give us your feedback, as we’re always looking to improve.


Future Fridays

Our Future Fridays programme continues to develop. We have a range of activities on offer every week. These include:

– Badminton

– Table Tennis

– S1 Football training

– 7 a-side outdoor football

– Dancing

– Comic club

– Debating

– Movie club

– Cooking club

– Self Defence

We have provided opportunities for pupils to develop skills and knowledge through running an Introduction to Criminology college course, sports leadership training and putting pupils through the Construction Site Certification Scheme card. We are offering a college course in Make-up Artistry, starting after the Easter break and an industry recognised Customer Service certification. Senior pupils can achieve additional awards, such as the Saltire award for volunteering to lead activities.

Pupils can sign up to activities by completing the weekly sign-up MS form, posted on the whole school community MS Teams page. A link to this is posted on the school’s twitter feed every week. Further information is displayed in school on the Future Fridays noticeboard. Pupils can find out more information or sign-up to clubs by speaking to Mr Dale, our Principal Teacher responsible for implementing the Future Fridays initiative.


Safer Internet Day 2022 is next week!

Safer Internet Day is celebrated globally in February each year to promote the safe and positive use of digital technology for children and young people, and to inspire a national conversation about using technology responsibly, respectfully, critically, and creatively. Safer Internet Day 2022 is on 8th February and will be celebrated with the theme ‘All fun and games?

As a parent or carer you can find lots of useful information on the UK Safer Internet Centre Website which will give tips, advice and resources to help you keep your family safe online.


Below are a few videos to support when having conversations about online safety

SQA – National Examination Guide

The SQA has issued this document regarding your national qualifications this year. Please take some time to read through this as it contains information on exams and coursework.

Scottish Youth Parliament elections

Voting is now open for the Scottish Youth Parliament elections. From 8th to 21st November, Scotland’s young people have the opportunity to vote for the MSYPs that will represent them for the next two years.

The votes of young people give the Members of the Scottish Youth Parliament their democratic mandate to represent the views of Scotland’s young people.

Our S4 pupil Malaikah Ahmed is running to be elected for the Motherwell and Wishaw area. Follow the link to read her and the other candidates’ election promises .

Young people will need their ‘Young Scot’ Card to take part in the vote.