Category: Latest News


Caritas students were led by Sixth Year student Mitchell McGarry Wilson recently as they organised a cake and candy event as part of Macmillan Cancer Support’s Big Coffee Morning for the whole school to enjoy. Our students were supported by Mr Martin McMahon. (Principal Teacher of Religious Education). In addition Mr Scott Russell ( Principal Teacher of Home Economics) and teachers Mr Andy Williams and Miss Louise Hamilton organised a staff coffee morning with some absolutely beautiful and equally delicious cakes on offer that were produced by Miss Hamilton’s National Cake Craft class. Shannon Dunn of Sixth Year also created a mass of cupcakes for sale in the school canteen area as part of her Personal Development Higher. As a result of all the day’s activity over £400 was raised and we look forward to presenting a cheque to this worthwhile charity in the near future. Thanks to all of those who donated cakes and contributed to the day’s proceedings.


A very substantial programme of study support is ongoing throughout the year. Currently since the beginning of the session a wide range of subjects have been offering a variety of options at lunchtime and after school in English, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Geography, History, Modern Studies, ICT, Art and Design among others. These classes mainly target students in Fourth to Sixth Year preparing for external exams next May and June. In addition a homework club open to all students operates in the school library at lunchtime. A big thank you goes to all staff who run these additional classes.


A group of staff and pupils once again represented the school at the annual St. Andrew’s Hospice Lanarkshire Schools 6K Challenge held at Strathclyde Park recently. Over forty students and staff put on their Taylor ‘capes’ to keep in with this year’s theme of superheroes really getting into the spirit of the day. All involved had a very enjoyable day out with the very worthy cause of raising funds for the Hospice as a goal. Thanks go to Hospice staff team member Lucy Mitchell who organised presentations for our Fourth, Fifth and Sixth year students at assemblies. Thanks also to Acting Principal Teachers of Pupil Support Miss Suzanne Evans and Mr Joe Roy who co-ordinated the Taylor Team for the day. Funds are currently being collected for the charity and we look forward to presenting them with a cheque in the near future. Well done to all who took part!


Congratulations to Fifth Year Student Stephen Newns who will soon travel to Anapa in Russia to represent Scotland in the Junior European Boxing Championships taking place on the 31st October. Stephen will fight in the 60kg weight division and we wish him the very best of luck in this tournament. We are sure he has an extremely bright future ahead of him in this sport! Well done Stephen!

Maths Tutorials

The following tutorials take place on a weekly basis in the department. All students are encouraged to attend them on a regular basis. The tutorials give students the ideal opportunity to consolidate their learning of topics previously covered in class.

Adv Higher  Mr Anderson Thursday 3.40pm — 4.45pm

Higher          Mr Dorris        Tuesday 3.40pm — 4.45pm
Mr Harty         Wednesday 2.50pm — 4.20pm

National 5    Mr Dorris          Thursady  3.40pm — 4.45pm
( S4 only )


All parents, carers and friends of Taylor High are invited to attend a Mass of Thanksgiving on Tuesday 16th September 2014 to mark the decision by North Lanarkshire Council not to proceed with the amalgamation proposal involving Taylor High.

This Mass was originally scheduled as a Welcome Mass for Primary 7 parents with tours of the school included.  This will still be the case and all P7 parents are invited to attend this Mass along with other members of our school community who wish to give thanks for the recent decision.

S4 English Supported Study

Mrs Rooney will be offering supported study for S4 students undertaking N5 English on selected Monday afternoons from 3.45 – 4.45pm starting Monday 15th September.  The next session will be Monday 6th October 2014.  Further dates to follow.

Fire Reach

Twelve of our Third Year Students will soon participate in the Fire Reach Programme which takes place at Coatbridge Fire Station. This is a programme designed to help young people understand the job the Fire Fighters do on a daily basis, and to highlight the dangers of hoax calls and vandalism of hydrants. Every individual who participates will receive a certificate to acknowledge their effort and participation. Family members and staff will also enjoy the opportunity to attend a presentation afternoon where pupils will show off their new skills and knowledge. Our first six students will attend next week. Good luck to Asra Hashim, Rebecca Johnson, Colleen Hattie, Beth Rankin, Linzi Howson and Kerry Donald. Thanks go to Mrs Helen McStay Principal Teacher of Pupil Support who will be supporting our young people throughout their experience.