Category: Latest News


A group of nine Fourth Year students took a break from their exam preparation to enjoy a taster session for Creative Writing at St. Ambrose High School. The students, accompanied by Mrs. Alison Rooney, Teacher of English, have shown a particular aptitude for Creative Writing and the scheme will allow them a chance to further develop their skills during a week long writing camp in Oban later in the year where students will work with popular Scottish writer Malcolm McGonigle. The students will now produce a folio to exemplify their particular talent and this will go before a judging panel who then face the difficult task of awarding the sought after places. We wish all our applicants well and look forward to enjoying their writing.


Last week over 40 Fifth and Sixth Year pupils studying Higher and Advanced Higher Maths set off to the Kilbowie Outdoor Centre in Oban on for the Annual Maths Camp Weekend. Students are given the opportunity to participate in an extensive study programme for the forthcoming examination. A great time was had by all with pupils also being given the chance to take part in an Outdoor activity as part of the school’s Health Promotion Programme. They took part in Coaststeering which involves rock climbing and sea swimming and the group finished off with a seven metre jump into the sea. Credit goes to the students involved as this is an activity where participants get extremely wet jumping in and out of the sea on what turned out to be a particularly cold and wintry day. All staff who participated in the weekend were impressed by the pupils’ effort and application. It is hoped that their efforts will be rewarded by good results in the final examination. The weekend is part funded by the Edinburgh University Mathematical Association and we thank them for their continued support. Thanks to Mr. Mark Dorris (Principal Teacher of Mathematics), Mrs. Liz Bergen and Mr. John Harty (Teachers of Mathematics) and Miss Gemma Tobin (Student Teacher).


Sixty Third Year students recently returned from the annual Joe Ferrie Leadership Academy. This course took place at Ardentinny Outdoor Centre Dunoon, with students having the opportunity to participate in a variety of outdoor activities promoting leadership in young people. The aim of the course is to develop self-confidence, problem solving and team building. Students were given the opportunity to reflect on their achievements in order to reflect upon valuable skills that will help them to succeed in what is a very challenging academic year ahead. Staff and students enjoyed some typical Scottish weather, but the students took this in their stride, and thoroughly enjoyed all the activities! The staff had nothing but praise for the manner in which students conducted themselves throughout the course.

They were a credit to themselves and the school. This setting for the academy is spectacular and we thank the centre and their team of staff for their hard work during our visit, making our pupils feel so welcome. Thanks go to Taylor staff members who attended the Academy with our students, Miss Suzanne Evans, Principal Teacher of Pupil Support, Mr. Andy McPake Miss. Anna Blyth, Mr. Ian Macfarlane and Mr. Alex Steele from Pentland School. The only complaint about this very successful event from students was that they wished they could have stayed longer!


This month we welcome the return of an initiative called “Taylor Tycoon” to Taylor’s First Year ICT course unit on Graphics and Marketing. Pupils are each given initial Capital of £1 and are asked to apply their entrepreneurial spark to make as much money as they can from a business idea they develop either as sole traders or in partnership with other pupils. Business ideas range from Confectionery, Cake, Sweets and Stationery to Nail Painting, Customised Jewellery and a Magician! After creating unique business logos, business plans and marketing materials the extremely enthusiastic young entrepreneurs will launch their enterprises upon an unsuspecting Campus, setting up stalls in the theatre with the assistance and support of the Department’s staff. This daily Bazaar is expected to create a real buzz and will surely be deemed a resounding success due to the efforts and creativity of all pupils involved. This undoubtedly will prove once again to be a thoroughly rewarding experience for First Year pupils. We will keep you updated with the contest and the final winners. Good luck to each of the First Year teams. Thanks to Mr David Lewis, Principal Teacher of BCT, and to all of his department for their co-ordination of the activity.


Recently, pupils from the senior National 5 and Higher Geography class visited Luss, Loch Lomond on a field trip to gather information about the impact of tourism in the local area. A Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park Ranger was on hand to provide a guided walk around the village and answer any questions the pupils had. Pupils carried out an interview with the park ranger and took photographs of damage caused to the area by tourists. Some pupils will make use of the information gathered in their Geography assignments. The pupils were lucky to get a break in the weather on the day and all pupils thoroughly enjoyed taking part in this field trip. Thanks to Mr. Chris Dale and Mrs. Clare Bowes (Teachers of Geography) for arranging the trip.


Huge thanks to our Chaplain Fr. King, all staff, pupils, parents and friends of the school who contributed in any way to the wide range of liturgical and other activities over the Christmas period. Thanks go to all local priests who participated in the Sacrament of Reconciliation during Advent. Particular thanks to all staff who helped organise and supervise the annual Christmas Ceilidhs and to all involved with preparations for the Senior Citizens’ Christmas Party and the food parcels for distribution to local senior citizens. A special mention must go to Mr. Martin McMahon, Principal Teacher of Religious Education who co-ordinated these events very successfully.

S5/6 English

All students are reminded that the FINAL drafts of their writing folios are due (both electronic and paper versions) to your English teacher by Monday 12th January.   You should be focussing on these over the Christmas break.


The school’s annual senior citizens’ party takes place on the afternoon of Thursday 18 December. A Christmas play, musical entertainment and an afternoon tea will be provided for all guests. Names can be given through pupils of the school, through parishes or by contacting the school office.


Thanks to Taylor’s music department for their help with Project Gambia: People Feeding People. Project Gambia had planned a live performance with Drizabone Soul Family. However, due to transport issues there were unable to transport their own drums. Taylor came to the rescue by allowing Project Gambia to borrow two Bongo Drums to use at the event. The event was sold out and enjoyed by around 190 soul fans. £1,600 was raised towards the project, the money raised will help to provide St John’s School for the deaf in Serrekuna, The Gamba, West Africa, with food and will allow pupils to attend school and receive a hot daily nutritious meal and ultimately gain an education. Thanks to Miss Fiona Cannon (Principal Teacher of Music) for supporting this worthy cause.


11 Taylor pupils represented the school in the Kids’ Lit Quiz which took place in Kilsyth Academy. The quiz is an important event on school calendars around the world, with this year’s final taking place in Mark Twain’s house in Hartford, Connecticut, USA. Freya Mitchell, Emma Gregory, Caitlin Mullen, Aidan Greenan, Aidan Donnelly, Kayleigh Jo O’Neill, Cara McGurk, Lucy Gilchrist, Carly Nimmo, Holly Sommerville and Olivia McAree did the school proud, missing out on the top spot but earning individual prizes, coming first in two rounds and finishing second out of all North Lanarkshire schools. Well done! The pupils are keeping their eyes firmly on next year’s final in New Zealand and practice sessions will begin soon! Thanks to Miss Ruth MacPhail (teacher of English) for organising a fantastic day!