Category: Latest News

Sixth Year Leavers’ Mass – Thursday 28 April 2016

Our Sixth Year students had their final official day at Taylor recently before returning to sit their exams. School Chaplain Fr. Martin Delaney celebrated Mass with students and staff on Thursday 28th April, marking the end of their six years of study. We are sure our young people take with them fond memories of Taylor High School.  All Sixth Year students were presented with a number of mementos to commemorate their time at Taylor. This included ‘leavers hoodies’ which our Sixth Year House Captains organised for their fellow students. They also enjoyed a trip down memory lane with an excellent video presentation of their six years at Taylor which was put together by Mr. Robert Stewart, Senior Technician with his usual eye for creativity!  Our Sixth Year Cohort also enjoyed a day out at Soar, Braehead organised by our Home School Partnership Officer Ian MacFarlane, and accompanied by Stage Head Ms. Jan McCrone and Principal Teacher of Pupil Support Mr. Andy Williams. Our young people enjoyed a last day out as a group, braving the aerial assault course, battling it out at Laser Quest and bowling up a storm. Now the hard work and preparation continues for students throughout the exam diet that is underway for both Fifth and Sixth Year students.

S6 April 2016

Click this link to login and download the video and/or Year Group picture entitled Class of 2016:


The Taylor High Easter School will run once again from Monday 4th April until Wednesday 6th April.  The programme begins each day at 9.15am and ends at 3.30pm.

All students in S4, S5 and S6 are welcome to attend and many have already signed up for this year’s event.

The event helps cement a very strong sense of purpose among all our students in S4 – S6 as they make preparations for the SQA exams which begin on Wednesday 4th May this year.

In order to maximise attendance at our Easter School, a bus will pick up students at two stops in Cleland each day during the Easter School. These are:

8.30am    Betsy’s Shop

8.35am   Cleland Club


S4 Easter School Timetable 2016

S5.S6 Easter School Timetable 2016


Our First Year PSHE classes took part in a ‘Book Token Competition’ as part of the library’s annual celebrations for World Book Day 2016. The whole of our S1 cohort got the chance to design colourful and creative book tokens, many of which were inspired by a variety of books, such as ‘Diary of a Wimpy Kid’, ‘The Hunger Games’, ‘Stormbreaker’ and ‘Skullduggery Pleasant’. Many others were inspired by reading these books the library itself! (What a huge compliment!) Thanks to our librarians for organising such a fun event and a huge well done to all our S1 pupils who took part. The finalists will now be entered into the national World Book Day Competition. Good luck everyone!


This year witnessed the return of “Taylor Tycoon” to Taylor’s S1 ICT course unit on Graphics and Marketing. Pupils are each given initial capital of £1 and are asked to apply their entrepreneurial spark to make as much money as they can from a business idea they develop either as sole traders or in partnership with other pupils. Business ideas range from confectionery, cake, sweets and stationery to nail painting, customised jewellery and a magician! After creating unique business logos, business plans and marketing materials the extremely enthusiastic young entrepreneurs will launch their enterprises upon an unsuspecting campus, setting up stalls in the theatre with the assistance and support of the Department’s staff. This daily Bazaar is expected to create a real buzz and will surely be deemed a resounding success due to the efforts and creativity of all pupils involved. This year’s winners were Lucy Toolan, Mia Agnew and Rebecca White who created Doughnuts & Co. and made a whopping £96.16! The total raised across First Year was over £1000. This once again proved to be a thoroughly rewarding experience for First Year’s pupils.


49 Fifth and Sixth Year pupils studying Higher and Advanced Higher Maths set off to the Kilbowie Outdoor Centre in Oban on for the Annual Maths Camp Weekend. Students are given the opportunity to participate in an extensive study programme for the forthcoming examination. A great time was had by all with pupils also being given the chance to take part in an Outdoor activity as part of the school’s Health Promotion Programme. They took part in Coaststeering which involves rock climbing and sea swimming and the group finished off with a seven metre jump into the sea. Credit goes to the students involved as this is an activity where participants get extremely wet jumping in and out of the sea on what turned out to be a particularly cold and wintry day. All staff who participated in the weekend were impressed by the pupils’ effort and application. It is hoped that their efforts will be rewarded by excellent results in the final examination. The weekend is part funded by the Edinburgh University Mathematical Association and we thank them for their continued support. Thanks to Mr. Mark Dorris (Principal Teacher of Mathematics), Mrs. Liz Bergen and Mr. John Harty (Teachers of Mathematics) and Mrs Anna Robertson (Principal Teacher of Support for Learning).

Proposed Introduction of a standardised 33 period week across North Lanarkshire secondary schools from session 2016-17

North Lanarkshire Learning and Leisure Services are proposing to change the configuration of the school day from August 2016. This proposal applies to all secondary schools across the Council. I am conscious that a change took place in 2013 but unfortunately the decision to allow individual schools to vary structures has resulted in a significant number of different approaches being adopted which are not able to fully deliver the anticipated opportunities for young people in secondary schools.

Following a period of evaluation and research North Lanarkshire Council is now proposing to adopt a common model of 33 periods of 50 minutes in all secondary schools from August 2016. This will be accompanied by a co-ordinated approach to curriculum planning designed to ensure that the needs of all our young people are met.

The benefit of this approach is that it will allow for increased curricular opportunities for pupils in the senior school since they will be able to access a wider range of courses. The secondary Head Teachers have been working together on a uniform approach to curricular planning. This co-ordinated approach will ensure that the needs of all young people are met. The authority also propose to implement a common timetable for S5 and S6 in order to maximise choice for students. A wider range of courses will be on offer in pupils’ base schools, in neighbouring schools and from our college partners.

The details of the proposed new weekly configuration of the timetabled day are detailed below. If you have any questions about its operation, I will be happy to answer them.

Day of Week Start Finish Morning Break Lunch Break
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 8.55am 3.45pm 10.35am – 10.50am 12.30pm – 13.15pm
Wednesday, Friday 8.55am 2.55pm 10.35am – 10.50am 12.30pm – 13.15pm

If you have any comments on this proposed configuration, please forward them in writing to me at the school either by letter or email. The appropriate email address to use is: I would ask that you respond to this request no later that Wednesday 24th February 2016.


All students in First Year have been working in English on the work of Burns in preparation for Burns’ Day. Students were involved in writing and reading Burns’ poetry as well as researching the life and times of Burns. Pupils made up their very own ‘old Scots’ poems in memory of Robert Burns and all things Scottish. The highlight of the week was when all First Year Students meet in the theatre for Taylor’s very first and not to be the last ‘Alternative Burns’ Supper’. Mr. Mark Dorris (Principal Teacher of Mathematics) began the Supper when he delivered the powerful ‘Selkirk Grace’. Afterwards was the processions of tea-cakes, caramel wafers, snowballs, shortbread and Irn-Bru! Some of our First Year’s then recited their own poems and The ‘Alternative Address to the Haggis’. It was a fantastic event and a great time was had by all involved. Check out of twitter feed for some videos of the day. Thanks to the English Department and Mrs. Mary Jo Burton (Principal Teacher of English) for all their hard work for this day!



Our Social Subjects department is currently organising an excursion to London, scheduled to take place in June 2016. This residential trip, aimed at Fourth Year Students, will be based on the Geography, History and Modern Studies courses with various activities designed to support our young people in their curricular work. Included in the cost, the students attending this visit will enjoy accommodation in London, excursions such as a tour of the House of Commons, visits to the Imperial War museum, London Eye and London Dungeon, a Thames River cruise as well as attending a West End show. Our pupils are already highly anticipating this visit, this is the third time this visit has taken place. Thanks to Miss Heidi Stoutjesdyk PrincipalTeacher of Social Subjects for organising this worthwhile excursion.


A group of Third Year students has joined up with young people from other North Lanarkshire schools in Loch Eil for an Outward Bound Expedition this week. The Outward Bound expedition is designed to help young people see what they might truly be capable of achieving in life by giving them the opportunity to take part in a wide range of outdoor pursuits including climbing, canoeing and orienteering. Students were given the opportunity to reflect on their achievements in order to reflect upon valuable skills that will help them to succeed in the years ahead. Staff and students enjoyed some typical windy and rainy Scottish weather, but the students took this in their stride, and thoroughly enjoyed all the activities! The staff had nothing but praise for the manner in which students conducted themselves throughout the course. They were a credit to themselves and the school. DSC_6961


New College Lanarkshire online applications have now opened for courses beginning in August 2016. Our senior cohort who are interested will now begin their online applications. The college will also be holding information days over the coming months across Motherwell, Coatbridge, Cumbernauld and Kirkintilloch Campuses for any of our interest students.