Category: Latest News

School Patron’s Day Mass – Friday 5th October 2018, 1.30pm

The annual Patron’s Day Mass will be celebrated on Friday 5th October 2018 at 1.30pm.  This Mass is held in honour of the school’s Patron, Monsignor Thomas Nimmo Taylor, and is also held adjacent to the Feast of St Therese of Lisieux, The ‘Little Flower’.  Canon Taylor had a great devotion to St. Therese which is why the school has a rose on our school badge  and the school motto is in French – ‘Que tout soit pour Dieu’ – ‘May All Things Be For God’.

All staff and pupils will attend this major event.  Priests associated with the school, staff and pupil representatives from our associated primary schools and other invited guests will also be present to make this an occasion to remember.


A UCAS information meeting will be held in the school theatre on Thursday 27th September 2018 from 7 – 8pm. A representative of the Students’ Awards Agency Scotland (SAAS) will be present at this meeting to provide information  for parents/carers and students on the finance options available for students who enter Higher Education in 2019.

In addition a presentation by Mr. McQuaid, Acting Depute Head Teacher, will provide a wide range of information on this year’s application process for Higher Education through the UCAS Apply system.

All parents/carers of students applying to enter Higher Education this year are advised to attend.

2017-18 S3 – S6 Celebrating Success Ceremony – Postponed due to Severe Weather

In light of the amber weather warnings received today and ongoing uncertainty over the precise duration of the current windy weather, the decision has been taken, with great regret, to cancel tonight’s Celebrating Success ceremony for last session’s S3-S6 pupil cohort.

I am aware this is a very disappointing outcome but Health and safety considerations must take priority.

Information about new arrangements for this event will be issued as soon as possible.

New S1 Start On Their Secondary Journey!







143 new S1 pupils began their secondary school education on Thursday 16th August supported for the first two days by guides from last year’s S1 cohort.  The first day went really well thanks to the excellent preparation carried out by Mrs. McGraw, Depute Head Teacher supported by colleagues from the Pupil Support Team. We wish our new generation of Taylor pupils well as they begin the next phase of their educational journey and also offer our thanks to all colleagues in associated primary schools for the hard work they have done over the years to prepare the young people for a successful  transition into High School.

Taylor High School Important Dates for beginning of Session 2018-19

Information for Parents and Carers

Tuesday 7th August 2018 – 2018 SQA Exam Results published

Thursday 9th August – date for students entering S5 and S6 to be interviewed regarding possible changes to their curricular choices for session 2018-19.

Thursday 9th August: 10am – S5 students

Thursday 9th August: 12noon – S6 students

The school restart dates for session 2018-19 are:

Tuesday 14th August 2018 – In-service Day 1 (Pupil Holiday).

Wednesday 15th August 2018 – In-service Day 2 (Pupil Holiday, Feast of the Assumption, Holy Day of Obligation).

Thursday 16th August 2018 – First Pupil Day.

School Trips Abroad – Zambia and France

12-Day Zambia Trip

Good luck to Taylor High Sixth Year students Olivia Brennan, Caitlin Mullen, Dionne Neilson, Niamh Provan and Erin Toolan who left for Zambia yesterday as part of a larger group of young people from both Taylor High School and St. Mungo’s Academy, Glasgow.  The students involved in the trip will be volunteering at a school and orphanage in Zambia supported by Missio Scotland. A massive donation of over £7,000 has been raised to support the trip. This is money which has been raised over the course of the past year. The trip has a 12-day duration. Very well done to all involved and huge thanks to Sister Stacey Cameron of Missio Scotland for providing this opportunity. Thanks also to all those individuals and companies who supported the fundraising activities over the past year.

Paris – The Culinary & Cultural Experience June 2018

Staff and pupils left yesterday on the long awaited excursion to Paris. Forty S3 and S4 pupils, along with four members of staff led by Mr. Scott Russell, are set to explore the Opal Coast and Paris from 17th to 22nd June. Pupils will get the opportunity to sample some French cuisine throughout the trip. They will visit a goats’ cheese farm, a biscuit factory and a French boulangerie. Back in Paris, the group will be taking selfies at L’Arc de Triomphe, walking along Les Champs-Élysées with ice cream, taking a cruise on the river Seine, indulging in chocolate making at a chocolate workshop & museum. The high point of this trip will be visiting the Eiffel Tower and the Tour Montparnasse! To top it all off, pupils will spend a whole day at Disneyland.


Celebrating Success 2018

The school’s Celebrating Success programme is being revised and the decision has been taken to conduct all of  this year’s Celebrating Success ceremonies (S1 – S6) early in session 2018-19 once the work to update this programme has been completed.  At that time there will also be an opportunity to showcase the impact of the refurbishment on the fabric of the school building.

The work being undertaken to refurbish the school is nearing completion and it will be important to provide an opportunity for parents and friends of the school to see the improvements carried out by North Lanarkshire Council  as part of its programme of investment in Motherwell area schools. This will be undertaken in tandem with the Celebrating Success ceremonies shortly after the Summer Break.

We look forward to the new session when we will use the platform of a new Celebrating Success Programme allied to a much improved building to take the school forward!

Very shortly we will showcase photographs of the refurbished school building on the website – watch this space!


The 2018 Carnegie Shadowing Group Magazine

Carnegie Medal is awarded annually to the writer of an outstanding book for children. Each year thousands of reading groups in schools and libraries in the UK and overseas get involved in the Awards, with young people ‘shadowing’ the judging process. They read, discuss and review the books on the shortlists and get involved in reading related activity in groups and online. Shadowing groups are encouraged to publish their own creative response to the books, including reviews, blogs videos and the enclosed magazine. This is the fourth year that Taylor High School has taken part in the Carnegie Shadowing Scheme and the Groups love compiling their funky magazines, hopefully you will agree once you read the 2018 copy attached below.

2018 shadowing-magazine (a)-11860


Scottish Schools Mass, Falkirk Stadium – Cancelled

Unfortunately the national Scottish Schools’ Mass scheduled for 1pm at Falkirk Stadium today has been cancelled due to adverse weather conditions.  All 43 pupils due to attend this mass will attend class as normal for the rest of the day and dismiss at the normal time, 3.45pm. Apologies for any inconvenience caused by this very late cancellation. The adverse weather conditions today have proved decisive in terms of Health and Safety.