Category: Latest News

Taylor High School Motherwell Cathedral Tours – November 2018

Recently, as part of the Motherwell Diocese celebrations marking one hundred years since the 1918 Education Act, Sixth Year students studying for the Caritas Award, undertook the role of tour guide for 50 pupils from primary 7 in our associated primary schools taking the pupils round Motherwell Cathedral. The tours highlighted important architectural and other features of the Cathedral and they were voted a big success by all who took part who now know much more about the background and history of this important church and Motherwell landmark. The photograph shows our tour guides on either side of the Icon, Jesus Our Teacher, which was a important part of the tour itinerary.

100 Years of Catholic Education – Reception of Jesus Our Teacher Icon into Motherwell Diocese

The Icon of Jesus Our Teacher, commissioned by the Scottish Catholic Education Service to mark the hundredth anniversary of the 1918 Education Act which established Catholic state schools in Scotland, was received into the Diocese of Motherwell from the Archdiocese of Glasgow at a service held in St. Bartholomew’s Church, Coatbridge on Wednesday 10th October 2018. The service was led by Bishop Toal of Motherwell Diocese and Archbishop Tartaglia of the Archdiocese of Glasgow.

The Icon, pictured above right, will reside in a number of churches across the Diocese during the next few weeks.

The Taylor High School Choir sang at the service held in St. Bartholomew’s Church which is the home parish of the Icon’s creator, Bernadette Reilly, who also spoke at the service about the reasons for the inclusion of various aspects of the imagery incorporated into the Icon.

The picture shows the Taylor High Choir in St. Bartholomew’s Church, Coatbridge on either side of the Icon. The musical liturgy was led by Mrs. Kerry McKinlay, Acting Principal Teacher of Music supported by Miss Suzanne Evans, Principal Teacher of Pupil Support. The event was also attended by the Head Teacher, Mr. Gerry McCormick.


S1 Pantomime – Aladdin, Thursday 6 December 2018

Letters have been issued to all pupils in S1 regarding the forthcoming annual S1 pantomime Aladdin which is scheduled for the afternoon of Thursday 6th December.

The school has only a limited allocation of 100 tickets for this event so early booking is essential to avoid disappointment. All parents/carers should have received this letter when pupils came home on Friday 12th October. Any parent who did not should contact the school office, Tel. 01698 274976.

Hallowe’en Disco for S1 and S6 Pupils – Tuesday 30th October, 7 – 9pm


The annual Taylor Hallowe’en Disco for S1 and S6 pupils will take place on Tuesday 30th October 2018 from 7 – 9pm.

As usual this will be a Hallowe’en costume dance for our S1 and S6 pupils with a range of prizes for the best costumes in both stages and for the best teacher costume!

Tickets will be on sale immediately after the October Break! Book early to avoid disappointment!

Parent Council AGM – Tuesday 30 October 2018, 7pm

The Annual General Meeting of the Taylor High School Parent Council will take place in the school on Tuesday 30 October 2018 at 7pm. At this meeting the election of office bearers and the filling of one vacancy will take place.

Letters were issued to parents and carers today via pupils which provide more details of this meeting.  The draft agenda for the meeting is shown below.


  1. Prayer and welcome
  2. Sederunt
  3. Questions from Parents
  4. Election of Office Bearers
  5. Head Teacher’s Report
  6. AOCB

Any member of the Parent Forum (all current parents/carers) who intends to come to the meeting is asked to return the tear-off slip on the letter issued today timeously and not later than Friday 26th October 2018.

Rescheduled S3 – S6 Celebrating Success Ceremony – Wed 24 October 2018, 7pm






The rescheduled Celebrating Success Ceremony for last year’s S3 – S6 students will now take place on Wednesday 24th October 2018 at 7pm in the school Games Hall. All award recipients have been sent new letters inviting parents/carers or other family members to attend this event which will cap the outstanding achievements of students during the course of last session.

We look forward to a big turnout of students and family members to give due recognition to the achievements of very many students in our school community.

Patron’s Day Mass – Friday 5th October, 1.30pm

The school’s Patron’s Day Mass takes place on Friday 5 October 2018 at 1.30pm. The date of the Mass is set close to the Feast of St. Therese of Lisieux.



The school also seeks to remember our patron, Mgr. Thomas Nimmo Taylor of Carfin Grotto on this date.



Fr. Gerry Chromy, first Chaplain to Taylor High School, and now Vicar General of Motherwell Diocese, will lead this celebration supported by Fr. Martin Delaney, School Chaplain, and local parish priests.

This Mass is the biggest event in our liturgical calendar and is very significant to the whole Taylor community.  It allows everyone to spend time together.  As this is an important event, every pupil, regardless of their faith, is expected to attend the Mass and treat it with the utmost respect.  I ask for you support in ensuring full pupil attendance at the Mass and, to that end, no pupil will be granted permission for routine appointments on Friday 5th October.  

The Mass will end at 2.55pm and pupils will be dismissed at the normal time.