Category: Latest News

Tutorials for accessing resources.

Here are a number of tutorials created by Miss Cluckie that will help parents/carers/pupils  access the different resources we are using online for distance learning.

Video 1:  Accessing Glow Sharepoint

Video 2:  Accessing Microsoft Teams

Video 3:  Accessing Edmodo

Social Subjects Online Learning

All class teachers from the Social Subjects department have updated their various groups on both Edmodo and Microsoft Teams on Glow. The groups will allow your child to access class tasks, resources, as well as a safe and secure means of communication with their Social Subject teachers.

Each year group, subject and teacher are outlined below for you to join the appropriate class.

Let’s Debate!

Want to get involved in weekly debates on topics chosen by young people?

There will be a series of debates every week allowing you to share your thoughts on topics which are important to young people. You will also earn 50 Young Scot reward points for giving your opinion.

There are 3 debates every week. Here are some examples of the topics:

Should the SQA have consulted young people in the process of changing the way grades are awarded and should young people be offered the chance to resit any exams they feel they could have done better in?

From now on, all school work should be delivered virtually using online methods of teaching and submission of work.

To get involved and earn the Young Scot points click the link below 😊


Stay safe and get involved in the debates!



Get involved and become Inspired!

In these difficult and unusual times, Speakers for Schools will provide you with some inspiration and positivity! 

Speakers for schools provides live inspirational talks for pupils online. The speakers include CEOs, journalists, scientists and entrepreneurs. The excellent speakers have already delivered talks to over 8000 students and will leave you feeling motivated and inspired! You don’t want to miss out! 

The virtual talks are followed by a Q&A session. If you can’t watch the talks live, there is a very useful talk library where all virtual talks are saved to watch later. 

To get involved in the virtual talks, follow the links below.

Click this link to browse the scheduled talks timetable:

Click this link to browse virtual talk library:

Enjoy the talks, stay positive and  stay safe 😊

Edmodo Access and Codes

A reminder that many staff within the school have been working together to upload resources onto Edmodo, a user friendly website and app on which teachers can post resources on a subject-by-subject basis and on which safe and secure communication can take place between class teachers and pupils. A link to the Edmodo website can be found under Useful Websites below left or by clicking here.

Edmodo provides a means of contact  between class teachers and pupils in each Edmodo class group.

Link 1 provides information on the creation of an Edmodo profile and a step-by-step process on how to join classes.

Link 2 provides a list of class codes from each department. Pupils should join relevant classes only.

Accessing Edmodo

Edmodo Codes

THS Lockdown LipDub!

Through these tough times it is important that we all stay positive, stay happy and remember to reach for the stars in everything we do!

Your Taylor teachers are here for you always!

We hope you enjoy our LipDub!

A message of support from our Hub volunteers!

This week at the New Stevenson Hub, pupils and teachers have been working on sending their own message of support to our community.

This Easter weekend, remember to stay positive and comfort those around you. We are all in this together!

“The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.” – Dolly Parton 

Have an ‘eggcellent’ Easter from all of us at Taylor!

Stay safe everyone.

Important information for parents/carers with children attending New Stevenston Hub!

Here is an update on the procedures for accessing the  North Lanarkshire Council New Stevenston Hub Booking System. A Key Worker’s form has been added via a link from a QR code below. Scan the QR code by accessing the camera on your phone, then clicking the pop-up link.

This form should be completed by parents/carers classed as key workers who are helping deliver vital services and who require their children to attend one of the North Lanarkshire Hubs during the school closures because they have no alternative childcare arrangements. Completion of this form will allow the hub and the authority to gather more accurate information about your childcare needs in the weeks ahead.


Both parents/carers or a single parent/carer must be key workers in one of the categories 1, 2 or 3 previously published by North Lanarkshire Council.

Please click on this link to see the Key Worker’s list.

The New Stevenston Hub can be contacted at 01698 522730.


Keeping in Touch!

All pupils have been added to their own Registration Group in Microsoft Teams in Glow. The purpose of these teams is to allow pupils to maintain regular contact with their Pupil Support Teacher and Depute Head Teacher while the schools are closed. They can also message them privately if they need any advice or support at this time.

Please encourage all of your children to access this resource and let their Pupil Support Teacher know how they are.

How to access Microsoft Teams:

Login to Glow>Scroll to the bottom of the page>Click Microsoft teams.The Microsoft Teams App can also be found on the App store. Download the app and sign in with your Glow account to gain access.