Category: Latest News

Feast of the Ascension Today

Today is the Feast of the Ascension which our school community would normally celebrate with Mass.

That is not possible at present but Mass can be found online at many churches across the Diocese.

In particular His Lordship Bishop Toal will celebrate Mass at 11am today for our school communities. Please tune in if at all possible on facebook live at


Hilarious Hair at the Hub!

Today at the Hub, we were generating some fun . Mr McCormick shared his Physics knowledge in a lesson for pupils (and staff) using the Van de Graaff generator.

A shockingly fun activity enjoyed by all! Here are some recognisable faces feeling ecstatic.


A huge thank you to all our volunteers and supporters of the Hub who provide fun and engaging learning activities for the young people who attend each day.


Speakers for Schools Schedule

We hope that you’ve all been enjoying the Speakers for Schools talks so far! If you’ve not watched one yet, this is how you can join the spectacular virtual talks:

  1. Decide whether this talk is for you by finding out about the speaker:
  2. You don’t need an account, click the link to find out how to join:
  3. Join 10 minutes before the talk starts

There are 8 talks this week covering subjects ranging from engineering to football. Don’t miss out! Important info about each talk can be found below:

Mon 18th May 10am Aleida Rios, Group Head of Engineering, BP.


Why choose Engineering as a career? John, a graduate who works at BP, interviews BP’s Group Head of Engineering, Aleida Rios on how she got into Engineering and how students can build a career they enjoy.
Mon 18th May 2pm Penguin VTalk Featuring: Malcolm Gladwell, journalist, author, and public speaker How to Talk to Strangers

Author of five international bestsellers, Malcolm Gladwell, joins academic and author of Don’t Touch My Hair, Emma Dabiri, to discuss the consequences of mis-communication, how to interview others and the art of storytelling.

Tues 19th May 10am Robert Peston, Political Editor, ITV Join Robert Peston, Political Editor, ITV and Founder, Speakers for Schools in his very own Virtual Talk!
Tues 19th May 2pm Kathrina Mannion, Director of Environmental Policy, BP Kathrina will discuss her career and current role in Environment and Policy. She will also discuss her motivations and career progressions. Kathrina used to be a Senior Advisor for the government so has a really interesting career story.
Wed 20th May 10am Dr. Maria Faraone, Director of the RIBA Studio, Royal Institution of British Architects What does an Architect do? Dr Maria Faraone will explore with students more about the career, what it might entail and how students can pursue the career.
Wed 20th May 2pm


David Dein, Former Chairman of Arsenal and the Football Association David’s presentation is aimed at 15-18yr olds and features the phenomenal success of the Premier League since its inception. David will also impart inspirational messages about how to be successful.
Thu 21st May 2pm Peter Mather, Group Regional Vice President, Europe & Head of Country, UK, BP Carbon emissions need to fall fast to meet the Paris climate goals. At the same time, the global population continues to grow – and demand more energy. By 2040, another 2 billion people are expected to be in the world, while energy demand is projected to rise by around a third, equivalent to adding another new China and EU’s worth of energy demand on top of what’s required today. How can we tackle this dual challenge?
Fri 22nd May 10am Tom Dore, Head of Education, British E-Sports Association Tom’s session will talk about the transferable skills that can be gained from playing esports, Tom’s session will aim to demystify the esports sector and let students know about the opportunities that exist.

We hope you enjoy the talks and are inspired by the spectacular speakers!

Samantha O’Reilly RIP


Samantha at Carfin Grotto at the time of the Faith video shoot in 2010

The funeral of Samantha O’Reilly, former pupil of Taylor High School,  will take place tomorrow at St. Patrick’s Church, Shieldmuir, Wishaw at 9.30am.

The requiem Mass will be celebrated by Fr. Krystov, Parish Priest.  It will be broadcast live on the parish Facebook page  – the link for which is

Samantha is part of a group of former pupils who have a unique place in the school’s history as part of the very special group of pupils who composed, recorded and performed the Hymn ‘Faith’ which was sung as the Gathering Hymn at the Papal Mass celebrated by Pope Benedict at Bellahouston Park on Thursday 16th September 2010.


Samantha in more recent times

The group of 14 girls from Fourth Year, including Samantha, were joined by soprano Honor Miller, now former teacher of Modern Languages at Taylor. The group were, of course, conducted by Principal Teacher of Music Fiona Cannon who is quoted as saying ” I grew because of them and they grew because of me”. Their rehearsals and performance were captured by Robert Stewart, then Senior Technician, who used his amazing talent for audio-visual presentation to capture the historic performance for future generations of Taylor pupils and staff. John McLaughlin, teacher of Music at the time, completed the Taylor performance line-up at Bellahouston. John brought his considerable skills in the recording studio to bear on Faith and helped ensure that the final version was recorded to a very high standard in our own high quality studio and remains a excellent audio testament to the talents of all involved to this day!

The Faith Group at Carfin in 2010 with Samantha (front row, second left). Fiona Cannon and Robert Stewart are front right.
Faith Group pictured on stage at Bellahouston during rehearsals on 15th September 2010 with John McLaughlin, Honor Miller and Fiona Cannon (L to R) at the back of the group
In the ‘green room’ shortly before their performance at the Papal Mass at Bellahouston Park on 16th September 2010

On the day of the Mass, which was bright and sunny, the Taylor High choir performed brilliantly in front of 70,000 people with Fiona conducting.  Honor provided vocal highlights during the hymn and, although rehearsed for many hours, it was all over in a few minutes – but minutes which go down as the biggest highlight in the history of Taylor High School!!

A large group of very proud staff and pupils from the school were in the congregation that day in a prominent position near the front of the large crowd including Head Teacher Gerry McCormick who said later that “Taylor will never have another day like this one”. It was a very proud moment indeed for the school!

Those of us who were there will remember that day forever and it will will be our abiding memory of Samantha – on that bright sunlit day on the big stage at Bellahouston singing her heart out with her peers and Mrs Miller, all of whom realised how special was the moment they were in – as they sang that beautiful hymn about having Faith in God.

She has now been called by Him at a very young age in only her mid-twenties and, although her passing is unutterably sad for all who knew her and especially for her loving family, her witness will always include those minutes on stage at Bellahouston on a sunny September day when she performed in front of 70,000 people in praise of God!

May she rest in peace

Requiescat in Pace

Calling all Creative Content!

Taylor High School is excited to announce our new, forthcoming magazine – The Taylor Quarantimes. It will be a chance for everyone (pupils and teachers alike) to share their quarantine tips, stories and creations.

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We are looking for submissions; these could be short stories, sketches, comics, poems, articles, art work, pictures and much more. Anything you can think of writing about, we want to read about it. You can share your study tips, gardening, cooking, crafts or just a joke. We are also looking for reviews on the books you’ve been reading and the shows you’ve been watching during lockdown.

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This will provide some quality entertainment if you are bored during lockdown. This is a chance for all you artists, creators, journalists, reviewers and writers to showcase your talent!

If you are feeling creative, forward your work to Miss Corrigan at:

**All emails sent to this address will be logged for inappropriate content by North Lanarkshire Council and action will be taken if required.**

We look forward to seeing your wonderful creations!



Bake it til’ you make it!

The Library and the Home Economics department have collaborated to come up with a ‘dough-tastic’ idea! Introducing…

Do you have a favourite recipe that you would like to share? Then Taylor’s lockdown cookbook is for you! We are welcoming all parents, pupils and staff to get creative in the kitchen! Can you rise to the challenge?

The Recipe for cookbook success:

Step 1: Write your recipe name.

Step 2: Write your recipe list, including weights and measurements.

Step 3: Write your method and add pictures (if you have any).

Step 4: Please email your ‘Beautiful bakes’ by Friday 15th May to;

**All emails sent to this address will be logged for inappropriate content by North Lanarkshire Council and action will be taken if required.**

Don’t be afraid to take ‘whisks’ !!

Get Baking!

Holiday: Friday 8th May and In-service Day: Monday 11th May 2020

Friday 8th May 2020 marks the 75th anniversary of VE Day – Victory in Europe Day – 8trh May 1945, the end of the Second World War in Europe, a period of great sacrifice for so many!

To mark the occasion a number of events will still take place across the country and in North Lanarkshire despite the coronavirus. The beginning of these events will be marked by a 2-minute silence at 11 am tomorrow.

Monday 11th May is an in-service day and is a ‘pupil’ holiday!

Online working will begin again on Tuesday 12th May!

Enjoy the weekend!

Newarthill coronavirus community support.




In partnership with

Community Action Newarthill.


  • Has your income been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic?
  • Are you self isolating, shielding or need support?
  • Are you in Newarthill, Carfin, New Stevenson, Cleland or Holytown?

We can:

  • Deliver FREE food, toiletries and other necessities.
  • Collect and deliver prescriptions.
  • Call and check up on you.


CALL: 07714 252 863 or 07722 881 777



FACEBOOK: Newarthill Coronavirus Community Support


Trouble sleeping?

During this unprecedented situation we are all facing regarding the COVID-19 outbreak, we would like to offer support to parents, families and children who may be anxious, stressed, worried and emotional about their loved ones wellbeing and their own wellbeing too.

We recognise that these anxieties can greatly affect ‘sleep’ which is a natural process. We all need sleep and our health and wellbeing could be greatly reduced by not getting enough sleep, particularly at these challenging times.

To help cope with these stresses, support given through SLEEP COUNSELLING will be offered to those in need and a qualified sleep counsellor will be at hand to answer questions, suggest ideas, offer visuals and strategies or even just be a listening ear to help reduce any anxieties to our parents and families that lead to poor sleep hygiene.

Please contact:

Download Free png Sleep PNG File Download Free -

or call 077538300446 for further details.

Advice and Support

Advice and support are readily available throughout COVID-19 for pupils, parents, and carers. Here are some examples which could be beneficial.

Educational Psychology Advice Line – Advice about COVID-19

This service is up and running for parents, carers and pupils.

It offers advice/phone consultation support to help manage the stresses that can felt by children and young people at this difficult time.

Phone: 01236 812 380. 10am – 3pm Monday to Friday (Please leave a message and we will return your call)

North Lanarkshire Support Services

This service offers support with finance and housing, mental health, general health and wellbeing, social work, foodbanks and much more.

Click the link below for all support available from North Lanarkshire Support Services:

North Lanarkshire Support Services

Stay safe everyone!