Category Archives: Whole School

School Photograph Viewing Cards

Following Pret-a-Portrait’s recent visit to the school, Student pictures are now available. A viewing card explaining how you can view and order pictures will be sent home with pupils today.

Please ask your child to give it to you as soon as possible so you have a chance to order any pictures you would like at a discounted price before the Early Bird Deadline 12th December 2017.

 Christmas Order Deadline:

Sunday 10th December for Framed Prints & Phone Cases

Sunday 17th December for Unframed Prints, JPEGs on USB

Thursday 21st December for JPEGs to download

If for any reason your viewing card doesn’t make it to you in the next few days, please contact Pret-a-Portrait  directly on 0800 021 7626 or

Pantomime Arrangements

As you are aware on Tuesday 5th December, the school will be attending the pantomime at Motherwell Concert Hall.  All children should wear full school uniform.

Please provide your child with a small snack (no crisps) and non fizzy drink for during the performance.  All children will have lunch on our return to school.  Please provide your child with a packed lunch as there will be no hot meals available from the school canteen.  P.1-3 and free school meals, will be able to order a packed lunch only in the morning.

Your child will be issued with an emergency contact form which must be signed and returned to the school prior to your child attending this event.  Please ignore the section on this form requesting parent helpers as this has already been arranged.

Mid Term Update


We were saddened to hear of the death of Eddie McGonnell who taught at St. Michael’s in the 1970’s, then at St. Maurice’s.  Please remember Eddie and his family in your prayers at this time.

After School Clubs

This is the last week for the After School Clubs.   Information regarding any future clubs will be sent out in the New Year.

St. Andrew’s Day

This Thursday we celebrate the Feast Day of St. Andrew.  The pupils are welcome to wear tartan, be it a scarf, skirt, ribbon or tie etc.  Please do not buy anything for this, it is only if the pupils’ already have something and would like to wear it.

Christmas Coffee Morning

The Parent Council are holding their Coffee Morning in the school on Friday 1st December at 10 a.m.  Entry fee is £1 and is payable at the door.  The children will have an opportunity to purchase some of the stock at very reasonable prices and the School choir will perform a few of the songs in their repertoire.  Donations of home baking and raffle prizes would be most welcome

Christmas Fayre

We will be having our Annual Christmas Fayre in the school on Monday 4th December  at 7.00 p.m.  Entry fee is £1 for adults and 50p for children of school age.   We would still be grateful for donations of unused/unwanted gifts.  Toiletries, games, bottles, perfumes, biscuits, sweets etc. would be welcome for the Tombola Stall and the raffle.  Please send any donations to the school office as soon as possible.

Santa will be here on the night as will a selection of stallholders with a variety of reasonably priced goods.  The childrens’ class enterprise goods will also be available for you to purchase.


Chistmas Lunch

An email has been sent today with details of the Christmas Lunch which will be held on Tuesday 19th December.  Please select from the options, what your child would like to order.

We hope that you will support us once again and we look forward to seeing you over the course of the festive period.

This week in St Michael’s

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This week is has been national Anti-Bullying week.  The children have been taking part in various lessons  to increase their awareness of this topic.

Elsewhere in school, the Nursery children and their parents are continuing to enjoy the Big Chef, Little Chef sessions, Mrs Galloway from St Maurice’s has been sharing her art expertise on printing and Primary 2a have been enjoying Yoga s part of their PE.

Can you help?

As you may be aware the Tombola Stall is a very popular and successful attraction at our Christmas Fayre.

In order for this to be a success we require donations of unused/unwanted gifts.  Toiletries, games, bottles, perfumes, biscuits, sweets etc. would all be most welcome.

​I would be grateful if you could please send any donations to the school office as soon as possible.


Many thanks


Mrs. Karen Greechan

Head Teacher

Festive Dates for Your Diary


Mon 20th Nov       In-service Day – Staff only
W/B 27th Nov       Last week of After School Clubs
Fri 1st Dec                Parent Council Coffee Morning at 10.00 a.m.
Mon 4th Dec           Christmas Fayre at 7.00 p.m.
Tues 5th Dec            Whole School at Pantomime
Tues 12th Dec         Infant Nativity at 6.30 p.m.
Wed 13th Dec       Infant Nativity at 1.30 p.m.
Fri 15th Dec              Nursery Nativity at 1.30 p.m.
Mon 18th Dec         Joint Carol Service, Moodiesburn Church at 1.30 p.m.
Tues 19th Dec           School Christmas Lunch
Wed 20th Dec          Christmas Party for P.3, P.4 & P.5
Thurs 21st Dec         Christmas Party for P.1 & P.2
Fri 22nd Dec             Christmas Party for P.6 & P.7
Fri 22nd Dec             School closes at 2.30 p.m.
Mon 8th Jan               School re-opens to all pupils