Category Archives: Whole School

School Closure

Due to forecast worsening weather, schools will close to pupils from 1.00 pm today. We are working with contractors to bring forward scheduled school transport but some transport may arrive after 1.00 pm. Staff will remain with pupils until collected.

We seem to be experiencing problems with the school phones. If you need to contact the school urgently please email

After School Clubs

We are delighted to offer a  number of After School Clubs run by some of the teaching staff and local instructors.  These will take place Monday-Thursday, between  3pm – 4pm.

These will start from week beginning 22nd January until week beginning 19th March.  If you wish   to be considered for any of these clubs, please reply to the email, selecting the club of your choice by clicking on the relevant link.

Please note that club numbers have to be restricted and places will be allocated on a first come first served basis, you will receive notification if your child has a place.  There is a cost of 50p per week for the clubs attended.

Winter Weather Arrangements

Winter Weather Arrangements

We were hoping to get through the winter unscathed however the forecast for the next couple of days is for frequent and heavy hail and snow showers.

In such conditions the janitor is required to clear a path to the main entrance from the main gate, following this the priority is to clear a pathway from the main entrance round through the junior and infant playgrounds to the Nursery entrance.  Once this has been achieved the janitor will then attempt to clear other exits/entrances to the building.  However despite best attempts sometimes the salt/grit is rendered useless if there is also heavy rain or extremely low temperatures.

In the event that conditions in the yard are unsuitable then myself or the Depute Head Teacher will take the decision to dismiss the children via the front door.  At all times the safety of the children is paramount and all staff will be in attendance to dismiss the children one class at a time.  In these circumstances we ask that all parents and carers stand back from the door so that the children may locate the appropriate adult.

I would appreciate your patience and understanding should this be the case and ask that you continue to follow twitter and text messages for updates.

Thank you for your co-operation

Mrs Greechan



Applications for free nursery places in session 2019/19 can now be submitted.  Children attending nursery establishments in North Lanarkshire are eligible to start nursery in line with the following:-

• Children who reach three years of age between 1st March 2018 and 15th August 2018 can start nursery on 16th August 2018.

• Children who reach three years of age between 16th August 2018 and 28th February 2019 can start nursery the day after their third birthday.

Applications for children due to start nursery at any time in session 2018/19 should be completed and submitted to the nursery of your first choice no later than Friday 2nd March 2018.

If you have any children in your family or know of any child/children who may be eligible for nursery in session 2018/19 I would be grateful if you would inform the parents that applications need to be submitted by this date.  Submitting applications on time increases the opportunity of parents being granted a place in a nursery of their choice.  Letters informing parents of the nursery allocation decisions will be sent second class post on Friday 4th May 2018.

Applications forms, with guidance on completing the form and establishment contact details, can be collected from any establishment with nursery provision or can be downloaded from the council website at

If you need further information regarding the content of this letter please contact either your local nursery or the Family Information Service, on 01236 812281 or by emailing

Please note that children should have a 27 – 30 month health review.  You should contact your Health Visitor about this if you have not received an appointment.

Your assistance in this matter is very much appreciated.

Yours sincerely

Mrs Karen Greechan
Head Teacher

Advent Appeal


On Friday 15th December we will hold a special Advent Appeal Day.  On this day the pupils are invited to wear something Christmassy!! Such as the colours red or green, tinsel in their hair or a Christmas jumper, if they have one, but please don’t buy anything new.

We would ask that on this day all the pupils donate one of the items mentioned below for those less fortunate.

  • A tin of food (such as soup, beans etc)
  • A packet of food (such as savoury rice)
  • A new toy (perhaps an unwanted gift)
  • Or a new hat or gloves for a child

We will then donate these items to local charities.  We ask that you only donate what is affordable at this time of year.