Category Archives: Primary 7

Day 2 from York

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Here are some photographs of the Primary 7 children in York today.  They took part on a walking tour with their guide Tim, they met Blood Axe Eric who was surprisingly friendly, took a river boar cruise on the River Ouse, sampled some delicious chocolate and made their own chocolate lollies!  To end such a busy day, they burned off any energy they had left at the local park.

Watch Us Grow

Primary 6 and 7 are embarking on a partnership with Watch Us Grow at Palacerigg Country Park.  We are hoping to gain some knowledge and experience of how we can improve our school grounds with their help.

Today, the Primary 7 children who are not away to York, went to visit the Watch Us Grow Nursery.  Ann, Edward and James showed them around the plots.  They even managed to have a short time in the park and visit the animals.

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