Category Archives: Primary 7

Outdoor Learning

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Primary 7/6/ had a day filled with fun during their Outdoor Learning day.  They explored the local community, tidied the Eco Garden to make sure it is ready for the Winter, made aerial maps and worked in teams to create dens in our forest.  They finished off the day with hot chocolate and marshmallows.

Health Week

Last week, everyone took part in a variety of different activities as part of Health Week.

Here are Primary 6 and 7/6 learning about safety around trucks and lorries.  They were also very to participate in a dance workshop from Miss Hillan.

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Watch Us Grow

Primary visited the Watch Us Grow Nursery at Palacerigg Country Park today to gain some valuable work experience on gardening.  They are hoping to share the skills they have learned with the Primary 6’s and we hope to improve the look of our school grounds.

After all of their hard work, they had some fun in the park!

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