Category Archives: Primary 6

S.S. Express

Primary 6 will be opening the SS Express Stationery Shop during lunch time on Friday’s.   Today will be the first day the shop is opened.

In class we have been learning about how to run a business and we have applied for jobs.  We have talked about entrepreneurs and created a new logo for our shop.

The Stationery Shop will be taking place between the hours of 12.15 and 12.45.  We have talked about profits/loss and have chosen the prices for the stationery.

On sale at the Stationery Shop are:

Assorted Whiteboard Markers              35p

Highlighters                                                     30p

HB Pencils                                                        15p

Mechanical Pencils                                   30p

Erasers/Small                                              20p

Pencil Sharpener                                       15p

Whiteboard Dusters                               35p

Coloured Rulers                                         35p

We are looking forward to starting up our business and sharing all our products with you.

From your SS Express Managers

Caragh                    Zoe              Millie                         Shae                 Thomas


Yesterday, we had a stock take of the items we will be selling.

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Spanish Film Festival

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Primary 6 took part in a day of culture when they visited the Spanish Film Festival in Edinburgh to watch a screening of the cartoon Donkey Xote, an animated tale of the life of Don Quixote.

They are currently learning some basic words and phrases Spanish.  They watched the film in English, with Spanish subtitles.

Forest Fun

We had a fantastic afternoon down in the forest making dens.  We worked well as a group to collect the materials we required and using them to make our den.  We showed great problem solving skills on how to hold up parts of our dens.

The only criteria Miss Wilson gave us was to make sure our den had a roof and a seating area for everyone in the group to sit on.  I am sure you can see, we were very creative with some groups creating beds to sleep in, fires to keep warm and decorative items such as flowers!

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Summer Fun at Broadwood

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Today, Primary 5 and Primary 6 took part in a fantastic outdoor activity day at Broadwood Stadium for their Summer trip.  They took part in Tennis, Athletics, Orienteering, Team Building and BMX biking.   The rain didn’t stop them enjoying their day!

Internet Safety

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PC Kenny came to the school to talk to the children about the importance of staying safe on the internet, using online games and social media apps.

He showed them some some age appropriate videos from the website, which is a resource which can be used to  highlight the importance of  staying safe online, exploring what’s good, what’s not and what they can do about it if they feel uncomfortable or worried about something that is happening online.


Water, Water Everywhere, Try to Save it if YOU Care

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Today, we were learning about how to save water. We learned lots of new interesting facts that we did not know before. We made some posters on different ways you can save water in your every day life. We had a lot of fun during this experience and will now be more concious of wasting water. We hope our posters encourage people to save water too.

by Eve and Makenzey

Voting Day in Primary 6

Recently, we had a special visitor from the Scottish Parliament.   She came to teach us about the work of the Scottish Parliament, the role of MSP’s, voting and how it works.

We were put into six groups; Animal Welfare, IT,  Music , Save the Earth, Sport and School which became our ‘Political Parties’.   We held a mini Election.  First we had to elect a Party Leader, then we had to decide what was important to us and finally we had to present our party promises to the class.   We listened to what each party had to offer and voted on who we would like to win.  After all the votes were counted, the Animal Welfare Party won the election.

It was an exciting day for all of us.  We found out things we did not know or had never thought of!

Here are some pictures to show you how fun it was!

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