Category Archives: Primary 6

World of Work

Primary 7 and 7/6 receive staff training today before they begin their work experience at The Coffee House on Friday.

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The children will be working in the Coffee House over the next four weeks.  Dates and special menus are as follows:

  • Friday, 13th January – English Menu
  • Friday, 20th January – Italian Menu
  • Friday, 27th January – Scottish Men
  • Friday, 3rd February – French Menu

We would be delighted to see you as the children take on this wonderful opportunity to learn new skills and experience the world of work.

Sportshall Athletics Qualifier

On Tuesday, some Primary 6 and Primary 7 pupils travelled to the Ian Nicolson Centre to take part in an athletics competition with different schools from North Lanarkshire.  Children participated in field events in the morning and track events in the afternoon.  Our points will be added together soon and we will then find out if we are through to the finals.  Here are some pictures of our day …

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World Landmarks

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Primary 6 have been learning about the seven Continents of the world, the countries within them and their landmarks.  Today, they all chose a landmark, sketched it then used media of their choice to add colour to their piece of artwork.