Category Archives: Nursery

Primary 1 Transition

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Today our new Primary 1 children had the opportunity to meet their new teacher and have lunch from the Dinner Hall.  They all had a great day in their classroom and enjoyed taking part in activities about the Hungry Caterpillar.

We look forward to seeing them again on Wednesday, 14th June at 1.15 pm.

Transition Preparation

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On Friday, our Primary 6 children began preparing for our new Primary 1 intake visiting the school this week as part of their Transition to St Michael’s School.

They are really excited about being Buddies next year and can’t wait to meet their Buddy at the second Transition Day in June.

Dates for Your Diary

Here are some important dates for our Nursery Parents and Carers
Thurs 4th May Inset Day
Mon 8th May New Nursery Parent’s Information Evening
w/b 15th May Nursery children will visit the Coffee House
Tues 23rd May Open Afternoon for new nursery children, 2.30 – 3.30pm
Weds 24th May Transition event for P.1 intake with uniform
Fri 26th May Holiday
Mon 29th May Holiday
Thurs 8th June INSET (Election Day)
Weds 14th June Final Transition Event for P.1 intake
Mon 26th June Graduation at 1.30 p.m.
Tues 27th June Nursery Parties
Weds 28th June All children are invited to attend in the morning

Nursery to Primary 1 Transition

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Last week we had another successful Transition event for our new Primary 1 children.  The children and their parents/carers had the opportunity to learn all about healthy snacks, speak with our partners from Barnardos and make a delicious fruit car.

We look forward to welcoming everyone back on Wednesday, 24th May for our next Transition event where the children have the opportunity to have lunch in the Dinner Hall and meet their Primary 1 Teacher.