Category Archives: Eco

School Grounds

St Michael’s Primary School is very lucky to have such a variety of school grounds. We are currently working hard to improve our outside space by using our raised beds. We have also had a friendship bench, which was kindly donated and  is an excellent addition to our playground space.

Next on our agenda is the development of our outdoor classroom which we look forward to launching August 2018.

Finally we would like to improve our Eco Garden. Mrs Stevenson has spoken to St Michaels’ Parent Council and they hope to support us in making these improvements. In the mean time if you are green fingered, or prepared to help us out at all by painting etc please let the school know.

Water, Water Everywhere, Try to Save it if YOU Care

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Today, we were learning about how to save water. We learned lots of new interesting facts that we did not know before. We made some posters on different ways you can save water in your every day life. We had a lot of fun during this experience and will now be more concious of wasting water. We hope our posters encourage people to save water too.

by Eve and Makenzey