Book Fair

Book Fair

The Book Fair will be held between Friday 23rd March and Wednesday 28th March.  These dates coincide with the parent interviews being held on Wednesday 28th.  Please feel free to visit the Book Fair before or after your interview.  Alternatively if you would like to call into the school and browse through the books with or without your child please do not hesitate to do so. Parents of children in the Nursery may visit at any time during the day.

The timetable for the children to visit is as follows:

Primary 1A and Primary 7                    9.00 a.m.

Primary 1B and Primary 7/6                 9.35 a.m.

Primary 2A & Primary 6/5                    10.10 a.m.

Primary 2B & Primary 5                        10.45 a.m.

Primary 3A & Primary 3B                     11.15 a.m.

Primary 4 & Primary 5/4                      11.45 a.m.

In order for the Book Fair to be a success we require volunteers to assist both during the parent evening interviews and during the day when the children are timetabled to visit with their classes.  If you are able to help indicate this to member of the office staff.

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