Cashless Dinner Hall System


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Last week saw the introduction of the cashless system in the Dinner Hall.  This  system allows pupils and staff to pay for meals without handling cash at the point of sale.  Each child has a unique card which they can use the machine above to put credit onto their card to pay for Breakfast Club, Toast Tuck Shop and their School Dinners.

The children can put money onto their card before 9 a.m. by going into the Dinner Hall and asking the Breakfast Club Supervisor for their card.  Similarly, the children have the opportunity at 12 p.m. to go up to the Hall to credit their card.

The children from Primary 1 – 3 cards’ will be credited £1.90 on a daily basis.  If this is not used, this will be taken off of the card again at the end of the day.  Similarly, this will happen for children who receive free school meals.

For further information on the cashless system, please click on the link below:

Cashless System

Exciting new ways to make school payments

We are introducing additional methods of payment within schools to make life easier for parents/carers, reduce the need for pupils to carry cash and reduce the volumes of cash being handled in the school.

You will be able to pay securely online 24/7 using debit/credit card for all school meals and all other school expenses such as trip and uniform items. You will also still be able to pay by cash in school and we would encourage weekly payment to assist in the reduction of cash handling.

Online School Payments – The online payment facility is being rolled out on a school-by-school basis.  As the online payment facility rolls out to schools, parents/carers will receive a letter with a unique reference number for each child. Once you have this reference number, you can make an online payment clicking on the link or by accessing the online payment button on the side menu.

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