Language and Communication Support Centre
There is a Language and Communication Support Centre (LCSC) within the school which caters for children who require smaller class groups, higher staff ratios and a different approach to learning and teaching.
One of the major long-term aims for LCSC pupils is the opportunity to be included in mainstream activities. This will develop in accordance with the needs of individual pupils. Every effort will be made to maximise the social and academic potential of all pupils who attend the LCSC within the mainstream classes and the wider school community. LCSC pupils will spend the greater part of their time within the support centre itself, but pupils will have the opportunity to access the mainstream classes where this is appropriate for them.
When children are ready for inclusion in mainstream classes, they will be supported by a staff member. Regular meetings ensure inclusion opportunities are appropriate and beneficial for all pupils involved.
Getting It Right For Me (GIRFME) Plans and CSPs are created according to individual need. Parents and pupils are an essential part of the assessment, planning and review processes and your views will be actively sought.
Care Experienced children i.e., children who are cared for directly or whose care is supervised by the local authority are deemed to have Additional Support Needs unless assessment determines otherwise. The designated ASN Co-ordinator is Acting Depute Head Teacher, Mrs C McAteer, who alongside Mrs C Straub (Acting HT) liaise with other agencies and carers to ensure provision for the children’s needs.
Parents/carers and young people can request an assessment at any time to establish whether a child or young person has additional needs and/or requires a Co-ordinated Support Plan.