St. Lucy's Primary, LCSC and Nursery Class

Assessment and Reporting Policy

Assessment and Reporting

Assessment is an important part of the Curriculum for Excellence, and, at all levels, pupils’ progress is closely monitored by teachers and senior staff.

In turn teachers and support staff work with pupils to reflect on their results, looking at their strengths and learning needs, agreeing next steps and actions based on these. As they progress, pupils become more involved in this process, as they develop the skills to make effective judgements on their own learning, developing personal expertise that will be important to them throughout life. Assessment also helps teachers plan learning experiences which are motivating and challenging. Children who may have additional support needs will be assessed using methods best suited to their individual requirements.

How will my child’s learning be assessed?

In St. Lucy’s, staff implement a number of ways of tracking and assessing pupils’ progress, for example, daily and termly planning, and through the use of Outcome Planners. The senior leadership team engage in professional dialogue with teaching staff during termly tracking meetings to monitor pupil progress.

In playrooms and classrooms, staff will be using improved ways of assessing children’s learning, taking account of national and local advice and guidance.  Your child’s progress will be reported to you so that you know how well your child is doing.

Each year the nursery/school will let you know what is being done to implement Curriculum for Excellence so that you can be confident that your child is receiving a high quality education.


St. Lucy’s is carrying forward and implementing ACfE in the following ways.

  • By identifying and carrying out the school’s priorities for improvement.
  • By implementing and embedding North Lanarkshire Council’s Education and Families Literacy Strategy.
  • By devising and providing active approaches to learning in all curricular areas

incorporating Co-operative Learning and Active Learning.

  • By providing interdisciplinary themes throughout the school.


  • By creating opportunities for pupils to be involved in planning the content of their

learning through responsive planning.

  • By involving pupils in self and peer evaluation, in identifying strengths and areas

for improvement in their learning and in articulating their next steps in learning.

  • By creating many opportunities for active and responsible citizenship through

membership and/or support of various committees including, Pupil Council, Charity,               Health, Eco and Fairtrade.

  • By creating opportunity for pupils to develop skills for learning and life including

Literacy and Numeracy and Health and Well-being, in and out of the classroom.

In carrying out these priorities, we create the platform for meaningful learning relative to pupils’ lives, equip them with the skills to access their learning both now and in the future and fulfil the four capacities of ACfE: –


  • Effective Contributors
  • Successful Learners
  • Responsible Citizens
  • Confident Individuals


The school communicates regularly with parents, providing relevant information regarding their child (ren)’s education. These communications incorporate Parent Workshops, Parents’ Evenings, Newsletters, Relationship and Moral Education, Sacramental and Additional Support Plan progress meetings. The views of parents are sought throughout the year using questionnaires to help inform our next stages of development.


In the LCSC, additional assessments when required are carried out through observations by a multi-disciplinary team comprising the DHT, class teacher, parents, speech and language therapist and link psychologist.  A profile of the child is drawn up from these observations and is reviewed annually.


To find out more information regarding ACfE you can access for national guidance.

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