St. Lucy's Primary, LCSC and Nursery Class

Parent Council

The Parent Council

     A Parent Council is established in St. Lucy’s.  Details of meetings can be obtained from the school and via school newsletters/twitter.  The composition of the Parent Council is determined by the Parent Forum.

The Parent Council committee is as follows:-

Mrs A. Fargher (Chairperson)

Mrs J. McNamee (Secretary)

Mrs A. Daly (Treasurer)

Mrs N Hutchison (Church Representative)

Mrs C McAteer (Teacher Representative)

    The Head Teacher also acts as the professional advisor to the Parent Council and attends every meeting.

The Parent Council’s rights and duties include:

  1. Supporting the work of the school.
  2. Representing the views of parents.
  3. Consulting with parents and reporting back to the Parent Forum on matters of interest.
  4. Promoting contact between the school, parents, pupils, providers of nursery education and the wider community.
  5. Taking part in the selection of senior promoted staff.
  6. Receiving reports from the Head Teacher and education authority.
  7. Receiving an annual budget for administration, training and other expenses.
  8. Improving home school partnership and facilitating parental involvement.


    Procedures for Election of parent representatives to Parent Council

    In accordance with the Parent Council constitution, office bearers will be reselected by the Parent Council on an annual basis at the annual meeting of the Parent Forum.  Co-opted members will serve for a period of two years.  The nursery class is part of the school and nursery parents have full entitlement to put themselves forward to volunteer to serve on the Parent Council.

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