The end of term is always busy, and we had lots of happy and sad events to celebrate this week.
We were delighted to hand over a cheque for just over £2000 to St Andrew’s Hospice. This amazing amount was from sponsor money from our P1 Teddy Bear’s Picnic and P7 Wear Yellow Walk. Thanks to all who helped us raise this amazing amount.
Our P7 Pope Francis Faith Award candidates were presented with their awards. This is the culmination of two years of hard work. Congratulations to you and we hope the gifts of the Holy Spirit will continue to guide your lives as you move to high school.
Mr Thomas also took the chance to thank our fantastic House Captains and Vice Captains. They have worked so hard, helping to represent the school, leading assemblies and generally being a huge part of our community. A special thanks to our P7 captains who leave us now! Thank you for all your hard work.
A message to all our nursery children and P7 pupils, who are moving onto their new adventures (and their families!) We hope you have enjoyed your time with us here, and that you’ve learned lots! We have been privileged to have been part of your journeys and we wish you all the best! As Mr Thomas always says to anyone leaving – if you take one thing from your time here, remember you were loved!
And to everyone in our school community – a huge big thank you! We have had an amazing, busy, fun-filled year. We appreciate all your help and support. Have an amazing summer and we’ll see you all in August.