St. John Paul II Primary School & Nursery Class, Viewpark

End of Term Photos and Thank Yous!


Yesterday we had our last Mass together this term, and it was a chance to celebrate a few things together before the end of the school year. Congratulations to our P7 pupils who received their Pope Francis Faith Awards yesterday at Mass. We are so proud of them and the hard work and dedication they have shown over the past two years. Thanks to Miss Byrne and Miss Williamson too!


Our House Captains had one final job yesterday – to pass the torch to our new P7 pupils by presenting them with their P7 ties. They will have big shoes to fill after the excellent example shown this year, but we’re sure they will rise to the challenge!


On behalf of the whole staff, I’d like to thank you all for your amazing support in what has been another challenging year for us all! Thaks also for the kind wishes, cards and gifts which we have received. They are never expected but always appreciated!


To our Pre-School Nursery children and our Primary 7 pupils who have now left us, please remember you leave with our prayers, love and best wishes! We know you will be amazing as you move on to your new adventures!

To those returning to us next year, we look forward to welcoming you back on Wednesday 17th August!
Have an amazing summer everyone!!!



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