Mr Thomas' Blog

Week Beginning 24th August 2020


Once again, thank you to everyone for the patience and consideration you are showing, particularly at drop off and pick up times.  The mornings seem to be calm although today there was a busy spell with lots of cars in the car park!  I continue to ask you to be considerate in your parking choices and I ask you not to let your children exit the car onto the road and into the way of oncoming vehicles!

Please take the time to read the information below which includes some reminders as well as some additional information.  Thank you all for your continued support and the sensible way in which you are responding to our new routines.

However, please adhere to the one way system in place at our gates at all times!  We have had a number of adults waiting until staff are distracted before entering through the EXIT GATE!  We have all of these procedures in place for the benefit of everyone.

Breakfast Club opens at 8:15am and runs until 8:50am.  Children who attend Breakfast Club should purchase a breakfast.  This is free to all P1-3 children and anyone in P4-7 who is in receipt of a Free School Meal.

Breakfast Club costs £1 for one child.  If you have more than one child, it costs £1.50 for 2 children and £1.80 for 3 children, for those who are required to pay.  If your child is not in P1-3 or they are not in receipt of a Free School Meal, you should ensure that they have sufficient funds on their account by topping up online.  Please see below for information about Parents Portal and online payments.

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