Mr Thomas' Blog

Week Beginning 17th August 2020



A HUGE Thank You to all of our children, their Parents/Carers and our Staff Team for such a successful return to school last week!  It really was so great to see you all again and have our St John Paul II Family back together again.

Our Primary 1 children did an amazing job for their first three days at school.  We do not underestimate what a change it is for them and we will continue to support them as we move forward together.

The Car Park was the safest it has been in such a long time and that is because people have been sensible!  Obviously, when the wetter and colder weather arrives, we expect this may well change the circumstances within the Car Park.  However, we will consider alternatives if the Car Park has an adverse effect on our ability to be safe and to socially distance.


Please remember that our staggered start and finish times for the school day still apply and they will do for some time to come.  Your child will continue to either start at 8:50am and finish at 2:50pm or start at 9am and finish at 3pm.  This is to comply with social distancing and guidelines from the Health and Safety Executive to reduce the flow of traffic around the school campus.

8:50am – 2:50pm Lourdes/Knock/Medjugore

9am – 3pm Fatima & Guadaloupe

MORNING SOFT START: From 8:50am, all children can enter the building and settle in their classes. 

Please remember the following…

  • Entry to the school building will be appointment only – although contact should mostly be made by telephone.
  • Do not arrive at the school earlier than your allocated time, unless your child is going to Breakfast Club.  No access will be given to the playground before the allocated times.
  • Breakfast Club opens at 8:15am.  Staff cannot be expected to provide childcare before this time.  Do not send your child to school for the opening of Breakfast Club if they are not attending Breakfast Club.  All children are expected to have Breakfast!
  • Social Distancing between adults is imperative – especially at busy drop off and collection times.  1m distance should be maintained between adults who are not from the same household.
  • DISABLED PARKING BAYS are for the use of those who have are registered for this.  Badges should always be displayed and other drivers should refrain both from using these spaces and parking across them when others are parked.
  • Where possible – try to do the following…
    • If your child is old enough – arrange to drop them without entering the campus
    • If not – adopt a ‘kiss and drop’ approach, spending no time standing at the gate once your child is safely within the school grounds.
    • At the end of the day – make an arrangement to meet your child outwith the campus.  Make use of the safe crossing patrol and meet your child in the grassy area across from the school.

The weather forecast is highlighting some spots of potential rain.  As you know, Government guidelines encourage schools to make more use of outdoor learning.  The information circulated about PE indicated that we will be having lessons outdoors from this coming week.  Please, once you have read the information in this post, scroll down a little further to remind yourself of the advice for PE.

It would be wonderful if ALL CHILDREN arrived at school prepared for Outdoor PE.  Obviously, our intervals take place outdoors too.  Therefore, please ensure your child has a suitable waterproof (even if this is stored in their school back for emergencies!)

We will obviously take a sensible approach to playing/learning outdoors and if the weather is too inclement, we will make alternative arrangements.  However, we are preparing to persevere a little more with light rain and colder weather.  Preparing your child for this will help a lot.


North Lanarkshire Council, like most other Scottish Local Authorities, has adopted Parents’ Portal as the main way to communicate with families as well as make it easier for families to do certain things relating to education and children in school.  A letter was sent out last week to all P2-P7 Parents/Carers.  P1 information will be sent out once a glitch in the system has been fixed.

This platform will be used to…

  • Make payments for things such as meals/snacks/trips
  • Update your contact details and other emergency contacts
  • Make appointments for Parents’ Night (when they are permitted!)

More applications are being added all of the time.  Please do try to sign up for this as it we will be relying on it more and more, especially in the current situation.

Once again, thank you for everything you are doing to co-operate with us!  Please scroll down a little to see the PE Information.

Have a great week!

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