St Bartholomews

May 20, 2018
by Mrs Bolland

Monday 21st May

Our second and final group of First Communicants received this very special sacrament, yesterday at St Bartholomew’s Church. The children looked fantastic, sounded wonderful and behaved impeccably. This was such an important day in the faith life of our boys and girls and one that will stay in their hearts for many years to come. Congratulations to all of our Primary 4 pupils who received the sacrament of the Eucharist.

On Thursday, last week, the first of four transition meetings took place for our new Primary 1 parents and children. It was wonderful to see some familiar and not so familiar faces, everyone was most welcome and we are happy to welcome them as part of the St Bartholomew’s family. Transition events will  follow during the next three Thursday ‘s and we look forward to seeing everyone then.

Our after school cookery club has been a huge success, with a representative from Tesco hosting the sessions. Mums, dads and grandparents worked with the children to produce a fabulous bowl of carrot soup. I was lucky enough to have a taste- absolutely delicious. I am looking forward to sampling this week’s delights! This after school club will be running for some time, so don’t worry if you didn’t get a place this time around. There will be plenty opportunities in the near future.

Mrs Bolland

May 18, 2018
by Mrs MacIntyre


Primary 1 – Woody

Primary 1/2 – Jack

Primary 2/3 -Lucie

Primary 3 – Maya

Primary 4 – Aimee

Primary 4/5 – Sophie

Primary 5/6 – Nikita

Primary 6/7 – Skye

Primary 7 – Annie

Cool Class Cup: Primary 4

Winning House: Monklands


May 13, 2018
by Mrs Bolland

Monday 14th May

Huge congratulations to our boys and girls from Primary 4 who received the sacrament of First Holy Communion yesterday at St Bartholomew’s Church. This was the first of two groups of children who will receive the Eucharist, the second of which, will celebrate their First Holy Communion on Sunday. Our entire parish community were gathered to share in this very special sacrament. The boys and girls looked radiant and sang beautifully. They were a credit to themselves, families and the school. Well done boys and girls!

Our Primary 7 pupils arrived safe and sound on Friday, after their adventure in York. Mums and dads reported that they had some very tired boys and girls on Friday night and were very glad to be reunited with their little darlings.

Some of our Primary 7 boys and girls will be visiting St Ambrose High School today, representing St Bartholomew’s Gaelic football team. We wish you all the very best of luck.

Finally, a wee reminder to Primary 1 and Primary 2 parents that our Cheerleading after school club takes place this afternoon. Your support with providing the children with appropriate kits and water bottles is very much appreciated. Thank you.

Mrs Bolland

May 9, 2018
by Mrs Bolland

Thursday 10th May -Ascension Thursday

As it is Ascension Thursday,  we are celebrating mass at 10.30am in St Bartholomew’s Church this morning. This is a wonderful opportunity for us all to gather as a Parish community. Thank you to our parent helpers who are escorting  the children to Church, this is very much appreciated.

Primary 7 pupils are having a fabulous time together in York. Mrs McLean tells me that they have not stopped. After a hearty breakfast they left for York and started off with the Castle Museum, then they visited Yorvik and found out about  the historical context of Vikings in the UK. After that, it was off to York’s Chocolate story, where the children learned about the chocolate making process. The best bit, of course, was the chocolate treats at the end. The day was finished with a fantastic ghost walk and an insight into York’s ghostly history.

Today, the children will visit Flamingo Land! This is a wonderful outing with lots of fun rides, games and activities to take part in. I hope the children have had a good sleep last night, as this is another fun filled busy day. Enjoy boys and girls. Please check twitter to follow all the fun and adventures…

Mrs Bolland



May 8, 2018
by Mrs Bolland

Wednesday 9th May

Last week our after school parent and child fitness class was a great success! As you can see from the photograph above, great fun was had by all. This is a brilliant opportunity for children to learn alongside their parents and carers and I know that everyone is looking forward to taking part again , over the next few weeks.

Our Primary 7 pupils left for York yesterday around 8am. The children were especially delighted to learn that their luxury coach had a facility to play DVD’s. This allowed our boys and girls to be entertained during their journey and perhaps distract them from potential travel sickness, or at the very least, prevent them from being bored! The children arrived at Eden Camp around 3pm, which is a World War 11 museum, with a wide variety of interactive activities. They then travelled onwards to the hotel around dinner time, settled in and then took part in another activity in the evening. It is a whirlwind of a trip, with so much going on. Please check twitter for pictures of the children and be reassured that they are in very safe hands and having lots of fun.

Mrs Bolland


May 3, 2018
by Mrs Bolland

Thursday 3 rd May

Clare. our dental hygienist will be visiting St Bart’s today. This is such an important part of keeping on top of dental health. We are incredibly lucky to have Clare looking after our tooth brushing resources and offering advice and support. Thank you Clare!

Art after school club will be available to our P1 and P2 children. This is a fabulous club and our pupils enhance their creative skills and knowledge. A huge thank you to Mrs Carlin for dedicating her time to organising this wonderful opportunity for our younger pupils.
Mrs Bolland

May 1, 2018
by Mrs Bolland

Wednesday 2nd May

We have received fabulous feedback from the parents and carers who have been attending the maths supported study class that takes place after school. This is a fantastic opportunity for our boys and girls to enhance their numeracy skills, and be able to start St Ambrose High School with confidence. A huge thank you to the continued support from all the parents and carers who have faithfully attended these sessions. All of this would be unable to take place without the input from our loyal and dedicated staff- thank you.

#PopeFrancis asks people to join him May 1 praying the rosary for peace, especially in Syria, and to pray the rosary each day in May with peace as the intention.

I have received many congratulations from parents, carers and school partners regarding my recent appointment to permanent Head Teacher of St Bartholomew’s. I am very touched and truly grateful for all of this positive support- thank you everyone!

Mrs Bolland


May 1, 2018
by Mrs Bolland

Tuesday 1st May

This very proud Primary 7 pupils popped in to my office today to share in the excitement of another award from the Boys Brigade. This award will be one of many that have been collected over the past few years. What a responsible citizen!

All of our pupils will take part in their respective Pupil Voice groups today and this will be last one of this session. The children have worked very hard to improve outcomes for children and their are still many projects being undertaken at the moment. Well done boys and girls.

Our football after school club is on today, a reminder to parents and carers that children should be provided with appropriate gym clothes and bottles of water. Thank you in advance for your support with this matter.

Mrs Bolland

April 30, 2018
by Mrs Bolland

Monday 30th April

I am delighted to inform you, after a two stage interview process, I have been offered, and accepted, the permanent Head Teacher’s post at St Bartholomew’s Primary. I am delighted to be able to hold this position and will continue to improve outcomes for all of our pupils. I feel very privileged to carry out this role and appreciate all the good wishes and congratulations from staff and members of our school community, including Fr James, who popped in today to offer his congratulations.


A reminder to parents and carers of Primary 1 and Primary 2 children that cheerleading after school club takes place this afternoon. Please remind children to bring gym kits and bottles of water.


Our Parent Council meet this evening at 6pm in order to discuss current school business. As always, you are encouraged to join us and are most welcome.


Mrs Bolland


April 27, 2018
by Mrs MacIntyre



Primary 1/2 – Kaiden

Primary 2/3 – Vicki

Primary 3 – Liliana

Primary 4 – Cara

Primary 4/5 – Jayden

Primary 5/6 – Liam

Primary 6/7 – Brooke

Primary 7 – Stephen

Mr Fowler Award: Bridget


Cool Class Cup: Primary 2/3

Winning House: Drumpellier

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