Primary 1 – Corey
Primary 2 – Ryan
Primary 3 – Chloe
Primary 4 -Cody
Primary 4/5 – Ellie
Primary 5 – Gracie
Primary 6 – Keira
Primary 7 – Luka
Cool Class Cup: Primary 4/5
Winning House: Lochend
February 1, 2019
by Mrs MacIntyre
January 28, 2019
by Mrs Bolland
On Monday, our Netball team will play in the local league. The very best of luck to our 10 boys and girls from Primary 6 and Primary 7 for representing our school.The dance after school will be on today, and as always, please ensure that children are appropriately dressed in suitable clothing and have water bottles at their disposal. Thank you in advance for this. The buddy stop will also be making an appearance in our playground. Our pupil voice group will ensure that all children feel included and safe. The ‘Health for Life’ pupil voice group will be reintroducing healthy fruit bags to all of our boys and girls and their families. Orders that have been taken will be delivered today. Thank you boys and girls for organising this very worthwhile venture.
On Tuesday, the football after school club will be on from 3 pm until 4 pm. As always, please ensure that children have appropriate kits etc and have water bottles. I will be meeting with the PAHL’s team after school today.We are very fortunate to have Andy Munro, a physical active health leader with NLC, working with us. Please have a look at twitter for examples of some of the work he will be carrying out with our boys and girls.
On Wednesday, staff from our nursery will be taking part in paediatric first aid training in order to assist our youngest pupils, if and when necessary. Primary 3 pupils will continue to benefit from skills and knowledge delivered by the outdoor learning team from NLC. Staff will be working with our Education Psychologist and Additional Support Manager on nurture principles training in order to fully support all of our pupils. The Netball after school club is on today and again, thank you for providing suitable kits and water bottles.
On Thursday, I will be attending a Child Protection event. This important content is crucial to the safety and well being of all of our pupils. The after school fun games club is on today from 3pm until 4pm and again, a big thank to Kaitlyn for leading this. Vicki , our Active Schools Coordinator will organise a session of the daily mile at lunch time. Thank you Vicki.
On Friday, we will be visited by Liz Kerr from the Early Years Expansion team who has a particular interest in outdoor learning for our nursery children. Last but not least, we will have our assembly this morning and will keep you up to date with the successful ‘pupils of the week’, Cool Class Cup and winning house.
Mrs Bolland
January 25, 2019
by Mrs MacIntyre
January 23, 2019
by Mrs Bolland
Last week saw many new faces visit our school as part of our Primary 1 enrolment process. Our numbers are looking very healthy with our highest numbers yet for placing requests in to St Bartholomew’s. Parents and carers have obviously heard about all of the great work and support that our pupils receive. A very warm welcome to our new Primary 1 pupils and their families.
On Monday this week, Clare from NHS Scotland dental team will visit us to ensure that our boys and girls’ teeth are healthy and looked after. The dance after school club will also be on today. As always, please remember to provide children with appropriate kits and water bottles.
On Tuesday, myself and Mrs MacIntyre will be visiting the Literacy Base in Bellshill in order to keep up to date with current interventions so that all of our pupils progress well at their own level. A representative from Speech and Language will visit us today to support one of our pupils. I will be hosting a ‘ Family Group’ meeting in St Bartholomew’s so that Head Teachers of Schools from a similar demographic to St Bart’s can work collegiately in order to create improvements for our pupils.
On Wednesday Mrs MacIntyre will attend a collaborative meeting in a nursery in Wishaw, along with some of our dedicated staff in order to discuss improvements. Our nursery boys and girls are very lucky! Primary 3 pupils will benefit from an outdoor learning scheme that will allow children to enhance skills and knowledge. The Netball after school club will be taking place in school today and as always, your support with appropriate kits and water bottles is much appreciated.
On Thursday, one of our nursery staff will be attending VERP training which allows for enhanced practice and as a consequence, improved outcomes for children. Some of our younger pupils will enjoy the fun games after school club today. We are very lucky to have Kaitlyn, a former pupil, leading this club. Thank you Kaitlyn.
On Friday, we will look forward to our weekly assembly and sharing in the success of our ‘Pupil’s of the week’ , ‘ Cool Class Cup’ and winning house. Sally will be visiting us today and will be delivering Kodaly to our Primary 5 children. Boys and girls in P1 will be super excited to visit Stirling Castle, as part of their school topic. We look forward to sharing in the fun through twitter. Have fun boys and girls!
Mrs Bolland
January 18, 2019
by Mrs MacIntyre
January 16, 2019
by Mrs Bolland
This very talented pupil arrived in my office, super excited about her achievements in dance. Very well done from all of your friends at St Bartholomew’s.
This week sees the start of enrolments for Primary 1 in August. Please note that this will take place between 9.30 am and 11.30am and then between 2pm and 3pm. We look forward to welcoming you to the St Bart’s family. Please bring along your child’s birth certificate and proof of address( council tax bill) alon* with a baptismal certificate, if appropriate. We will keep you informed about transistion meetings, nearer the time.
Our netball team are very excited to take part in a local tournament on Monday. Mrs Dolan will escort the children. Best of luck! We look forward to hearing about how you get on. Clare from the NHS dental team willl be visiting us today. Thank you again for all of your help and support with keeping oral health a priority.
On Tuesday , our Primary 1 and Primary 7 children will be assessed by the community dental team. This is a great support and much appreciated by all. Our Education Psychologist will be visiting our school today to support some of our pupils and discuss future plans with myself.
On Wednesday, I will be attending a locality Primary Head Teacher’s meeting at the Glow Centre in Motherwell . This is a great opportunity to meet with colleagues and hear about the lates5 initiatives from NLC. I will keep you up to date with improvements. Primary 3 will be taking part in a new outdoor learning initiative that enhances literacy through the use of the outdoors. I am looking forward to following the children’s progress. A few of our teachers will be attending Low Intensity Anxiety Management (LIAM) training today. This will allow for some of our pupils to access specific support when it is required. The Netball after school club will take place today. As always, please provide appropriate kits and bottles of water. Thank you.
On Thursday, the ‘Fun Games’ after school club will take place. Again, please ensure your child has appropriate kit and a bottle of water to support this activity.
Mrs Bolland
January 11, 2019
by Mrs MacIntyre
January 6, 2019
by Mrs Bolland
Happy New Year to all friends and family of St Bartholomew’s Primary School! I hope that everyone has had a wonderful time over the festive period and a very warm welcome back to all.
A big thank you to all of our parents and carers who supported the last week of term’s events and we were very grateful for contributions to Christmas parties. Thank you. On the last day of term some of our pupils enjoyed goodies from the chocolate fountain and as you know, the monies raised contributed to a very worthwhile charity, SCIAF. Our Faith in Action group are delighted!
On Monday, all of our dedicated staff are looking forward to welcoming back all of our pupils, both in the nursery and school. We can’t wait to hear all about your adventures over the holidays!
On Thursday, I will be attending a STEM ( Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) working party that has been put together by North Lanarkshire Council. I am looking forward to accessing the latest research and ideas from this very important and forward thinking group in order to provide improvements to our pupils’ skills and knowledge. I will keep you posted.
On Friday, I will be attending a Head Teacher’s meeting in Motherwell and look forward to learning about the latest initiatives and information from the Education and Families division.
Next week will see enrolments for our new Primary 1 pupils start on Monday. Please see letters for specific times and the necessary documentation that is required. We look forward to welcoming new pupils and their families to St Bartholomew’s.
Mrs Bolland
December 17, 2018
by Mrs Bolland
Huge congratulations to one of our upper school pupils- he is now the proud owner of a black belt in Taekwondo! What a fabulous personal achievement. This is testament to the hard work and dedication that is necessary to achieve such a prestigious award. Very well done from all of your friends at St Bartholomew’s.
As you can imagine,this week is extremely busy with the many planned Christmas activities and events.
On Monday, our Primary 1 to Primary 3 children will be performing the Nativity on stage. Teachers and children have been working extremely hard to deliver an outstanding show and I can assure you that you are in for a treat. They sound fantastic! Doors open at 1.45pm for a sharp 2 O’Clock start. We look forward to welcoming you.
On Tuesday, Fr O’Kane will visit our school in order to hear confessions from our Primary 4 to Primary 7 children. This will help prepare our pupils spiritually for the birth of our Lord. Thank you Fr O’Kane. Sr Maria Goretti from the Innocents Society will also be visiting us in order to receive a layette for a baby in need of our support. Thank you to everyone who has contributed, it is much appreciated. In the afternoon, Primary 6 and Primary 7 children are having their Christmas party. Children come to school in uniform and are free to change at lunch time for their party in the afternoon. They will enjoy music, dancing and prizes. Children are encouraged to bring in snacks for the class party. Thank you for your help and support with this.
On Wednesday afternoon , our Primary 4 and Primary 5 children will enjoy their class Christmas party. Again, children are asked to come to school in uniform and then change at lunch time.
On Thursday afternoon; Primary 1, Primary 2 and Primary 3 will enjoy their class Christmas parties. A special visitor will be visiting our youngest pupils…The same routine applies as above for all other classes. Again, thank you for your help and support with this.
On Friday, it’s Movie Duvet day! Children are encouraged to wear something with a Christmas related theme .We will also have the very popular Chocolate fountain available for £1 a portion, all monies raise from this will contribute towards very worthwhile charities such as SCIAF.
Mrs Bolland
December 10, 2018
by Mrs MacIntyre
As you can see from our photographs above, the talent continues at St Bartholomew’s! Trophies were awarded for dancing and a medal awarded for skills in running at the Santa dash. Well done boys and girls.
On Monday, we welcome Clare from NHS Lanarkshire dental team. Thank you for all of your help with toothbrushing. Our pupils really benefit from your input.Mr Graham from the SAM group will also be visiting us to help some of our pupils with digital technology. A representative from SCIAF shall be delivering a Pope Francis Faith Award workshop with our upper school pupils.
On Tuesday, Mrs Brown and Ms Fallon will be researching some effective ideas in outdoor play at other establishments in NLC. Good luck ladies…Mrs McLean will be supporting the recruitment process of prospective students to Strathclyde University as a member of the interview panel for those wishing to establish a career in teaching. I am sure that this will be a very interesting experience.
On Wednesday, Primary 4 to Primary 7 pupils will be performing our annual Christmas Concert on the stage at 1.45pm, doors will open at 1.30pm.Tickets are available from the office. I have heard the children during rehearsals and can assure you that you are in for a treat! Raffle tickets will also be available at the door and your support with this is very much appreciated.
On Thursday, it’s the panto! Mark and Lucy Millar are supporting this fabulous event for all of our pupils. We are very grateful for the tickets and the children absolutely love it. The performance at the Pavillion theatre is Cinderella this year, and the children will look forward to a visit from the cast at the end of the show. What a great opportunity! Again, a huge thank you to Mark and Lucy for their continued support with funding this super event.
On Friday, the Nursery are hosting their annual Christmas Nativity play at 9.30am and 2pm in order to accommodate both morning and afternoon children. Again, I have been lucky enough to hear rehearsals and the children sound great, well done boys and girls!
Mrs Bolland