St Bartholomews

March 10, 2019
by Mrs Bolland

Week beginning 11th March

The 2 children in the photographs above visited my office last week to notify me of their respective success. Collectively, they have won a football trophy and created a wonderful mind map. Well done and keep up the wonderful work!

On Friday of last week we were visited by Claire from ACN, who was most impressed with the knowledge that our pupils have on the ‘Maisie Milk’  Charity project that we are contributing to as part of our commitment to Lenten charity work. A huge thank you to Mars Carlin and the Faith in Action group for organising this. Please check out our twitter feed to see for yourself…

Fr James has very kindly volunteered to celebrate mass in our Oratory, every Tuesday, during Lent. Our weekly prayer service at 8.45am in the Oratory will take the form of Stations of the Cross during Lent. As always, our whole school community are all welcome- we look forward to seeing you there on either and/ or both days.

On Monday, Mrs MacLean will be visiting Holy Cross Primary in Croy in order to research a numeracy initiative that we are introducing to St Bart’s. This is to benefit our children in their progress in maths. Thank you Mrs MacLean! Claire Gordon, our dental specialist will be visiting us today in order to ensure appropriate fluoride levels in our pupils. This work is very much appreciated as high standards of oral health are so important to our young people. Our dance after school club is scheduled this afternoon at 3pm until 4pm. As always, please ensure children have appropriate kits and water bottles.

On Tuesday, I will be attending a Nurture conference in Motherwell civic centre, alongside fellow Head Teachers. The Health and wellbeing of all of our pupils and supporting them in times of difficulties with a nurturing approach is crucial to our service. I look forward to updating our staff and indeed our wider school community on this important initiative.

On Wednesday, Primary 6 will be visited by sports leaders and I know that they very much look forward to this type of active input. Our Primary 5 pupils are fortunate to receive swimming lessons this afternoon at The Time Capsule and will enjoy both dry sports and swimming lessons. I look forward to hearing a good report about children’s behaviour and efforts. Primary 3 will be visited again by the outdoor learning team from NLC.

A big thank you to all of our parents/ carers for their presence at Parent’s Evening On Thursday and for the very positive feedback from surveys. This is very much appreciated and it is always nice to read positive comments from grateful members of our school community. Thank you.

Mrs Bolland



March 3, 2019
by Mrs Bolland

Week beginning 4th March

As you know, Primary 7 pupils were in Kilbowie last week with Mrs McLean and myself. I am delighted to report that our boys and girls did us all proud! The instructors were very complimentary towards our children in respect of  their  positive attitude and lovely manners. The boys and girls all gave everything a go and tried their very best in all the new experiences that they faced. We could not be more proud- very well done boys and girls. Check out twitter for a snap shot of their experiences and progress.

On Monday of this week we have Claire from NHS dental team to check up on our pupils and make sure that their oral health is up to standard. Thank you Claire.Dance after school club is on today- As always, please ensure appropriate kits and water bottles are provided for children.

On Tuesday,we will be visited by our link  Education Psychologist in order to support some of our pupils and their families who require assistance.We will also be visited by Jennifer O’Hara from the Early Years Expansion team in order to discuss the success of our lead graduate in the nursery. Both ladies are most welcome! Our Parent Council will meet this evening at 6pm in the staffroom in order to discuss improvements for our pupils. As always, everyone is most welcome.

On Wednesday, sports leaders will be  working with Primary  6 pupils, who are very excited to be supported with their Physical education. Nursery staff will be taking part in  verp training in order to support our youngest children. All of our pupils, with the help and support of parent helpers, will attend 10 O’Clock mass at St Bartholomew’s church in order to celebrate Ash Wednesday. A huge thank you to our parents for their support in escorting the children to church on this very important day in order to mark the beginning of Lent. Leaders from the Primary 3  outdoor learning team will visit our pupils in order to support this very important initiative.

On Thursday , Representatives from Community Learning and Development, (CLD ) will be working with some of our parents to support them at important stages of their children’s development. Appointments for Parent’s Evening will take place from 3.15pm – We look forward to meeting you and sharing in the positive aspects of your child’s progress. Our lead graduate in the nursery will take part in training today in order to improve outcomes for our youngest pupils.

On Friday, Sally, our Kodally instructor will be visiting  Primary 5 – our boys and girls thoroughly enjoy this musical input and look forward to working with Sally. Mrs McLean and Mrs MacLean will be visiting Noble  Primary to attend a numeracy course, in order to receive the most up to date information and advice on numeracy initiatives. We look forward to hearing about this! The Book Fayre will be collected today, a huge thank you to our parent helpers for supervising this. The children always enjoy looking a new books titles and choosing a reward for their report at Parent’s Evening.  A representative from  Aid to the Church in Need will attend our weekly assembly , as part of the Maisie’s milk project in order to launch this worthwhile initiative. A huge thank you to Mrs Carlin and the Faith in Action pupil voice group for organising this.

Mrs Bolland

March 1, 2019
by Mrs MacIntyre


Primary 1 – Aaron

Primary 2 – Zara

Primary 3 – Jennifer

Primary 4 – Sophie

Primary 4/5 – Terri-Lee

Primary 5 – Skye

Primary 6 – Alisha

Winning House: Summerlee

Cool Class Cup: Primary 1

February 24, 2019
by Mrs Bolland

Week beginning 25th February

The young man in the photograph above was delighted with his achievements in football and has the trophy to prove it. All of your friends in St Bart’s congratulate you, well done!

The week has finally come for our Primary 7 pupils- Kilbowie! The boys and girls will enjoy a week filled with fun filled physical activity. There is also the very important aspect of meeting prospective classmates, who will be joining them at St Ambrose in August.

On Monday, Mrs MacIntyre will be attending a literacy coach meeting and we look forward to hearing about exciting opportunities for all of our pupils in order to enhance their skills in literacy. Our weekly Dance after school club is on this afternoon and as always, please provide children with appropriate kits and bottles of water. Thank you.

On Tuesday, football after school is on at 3pm until 4pm. As always, please ensure that children have appropriate kits and bottles of water.

On Wednesday, sports leaders will be working with Primary 6- please ensure children have gym kits today. Clare , our dental specialist will be visiting our nursery boys and girls, in addition to our school pupils to ensure that their oral health is good. Thank you Claire. The outdoor learning team will be working with  p3 again , where children have the opportunity to learn new skills. Our netball after school club is on today and as always, please ensure children have kits and water.

On Thursday, Fun Games after school club is on this afternoon at 3 pm until 4pm.

On Friday, we are hosting a food drive in order to donate to those in need. This will take the form of a coffee morning, where the entry fee is a tin of food. This can be anything that you have spare. We will also be seeing the book fayre arriving today, in preparation for Parent’s evening next week. Please ensure that you have made an appointment, we are keen to meet all of our parents in order to share positive news about your child’s learning. Primary 7, myself and Mrs McLean will return from Kilbowie this afternoon,as always, we will text parents on our estimated time of arrival. Please prepare yourselves for a lot of washing- this is a sure sign of great fun being had!

Mrs Bolland

February 22, 2019
by Mrs MacIntyre


Primary 1 – Maryam

Primary 2 – Derek

Primary 3 – Kara

Primary 4 – Jamie

Primary 4/5 -Skye

Primary 5 – Rhian

Primary 6 – Breagh

Primary 7 – Callum

Cool Class: Primary 4

Winning House: Summerlee

February 19, 2019
by Mrs Bolland

Week beginning 18th February

The photograph above captures some of the fun that our winning house, ‘Lochend’ had on Thursday last week as the house who have won the most points overall . I wonder who will be next…

On Monday, our netball team will be playing in the local league, we wish them the very best of luck! As always, please ensure children have appropriate kits and water bottles. Mrs Dolan will be escorting the children to the games. We welcome our link Education Psychologist, along with member sfrom other agencies in order to support some of our youngest pupils. Our dance after school club will be on this afternoon, as always please ensure children have appropriate kits and water bottles.

On Tuesday, our  football after school club will take place at 3pm until 4pm.  We will also have St Bartholomew’s football team friendly league matches on this afternoon. We are very fortunate to have Mr Munro, our Physical Active Health Leader, coach the children and support them during the various matches.

On Wednesday, I will be attending a cluster meeting at  StAmbrose High School, where we will discuss transition arrangements for our Primary 7 pupils as part of their imminent journey. Pupils from St Ambrose who have the additional responsibility as sports leaders, will be visiting our  upper school pupils. Mrs MacIntyre will be attending a  nursery network meeting, on behalf of our youngest boys and girls. Primary 3 will enjoy some outdoor learning experiences with NLC’s specialist team. Our  netball after school club will be on this afternoon, and as always, please ensure children have appropriate kits and water bottles.

On Thursday, our Parent Council  have very kindly organised our annual Valentine’s  disco. The Primary 1 to 3 disco will start at 6pm until 7 pm and the Primary 4 to Primary 7 will start at 7.15pm until 8.15pm. Tickets are available from the school office, where both Mrs Dunn and Mrs Clare will be happy to help.Our fun games after school club will be on this afternoon- a huge thank you to Kaitlyn for leading this.

On Friday, we welcome a visitor from Strathclyde University, who will be popping in to Primary 4/5 and Primary 6. I will be hosting a Stem worksteam Group meeting this morning,where Head Teachers from both the Primary and Secondary sectors will be collaborating to improve STEM experiences for all pupils across North Lanarkshire. I am sure that they will be impressed with our ‘Stem Zone’. Our Quality Improvement Officers,  will be paying St Bart’s a visit in the afternoon. We welcome them to our fabulous school.

Week beginning 25th February sees Primary 7’s annual trip to Kilbowie. Mrs McLean , myself and Mr Munro will supervise the children during their week long stay. Please say prayers for decent weather!

Mrs Bolland

February 12, 2019
by Mrs Bolland

Week beginning 11th February

A big welcome back on Thursday to all of our pupils . I sincerely hope that everyone has enjoyed a very well deserved break and return to school full of energy for the second half of term 3!

On Wednesday, all staff  return to work, after a 2 day break.A very special welcome back to  Mrs Crielly, who returns after 9 months maternity leave. She will continue the role of delivering interventions and some class teaching that both Mrs Henderson and Mrs McKendrick delivered. We wish both ladies well in their future careers.

As part of our improvement plan, we are driving improvements in both literacy and numeracy and as such, our In service day will contain  a strong focus on both. We are all looking forward to increasing our skills and knowledge in order to improve outcomes for our pupils.

On Thursday, we are very fortunate to have Vikki from NLC Active schools visiting us as she is organising an assault course for the house that has won the weekly challenge most often.The winning house is Lochend.  Please ensure that if your child is a member of Lochend house, they are provided with appropriate kits etc. We also have the ‘fun games’ after school club scheduled for our younger pupils. As always, please ensure that children have appropriate kits and water bottles. Thank you.

As you know , Thursday  is Valentine’s Day and as this has been a short week, we will hold our annual Valentine’s disco next Thursday 21st February. Tickets are priced at £1.50 and are available at the office where Mrs Dunn and Mrs Clare will be happy to help. A huge thank you to our Parent Council, who have organised this fun event for all of our boys and girls.

We look forward to our weekly assembly on Friday, where ‘Pupils of the Week’ will be announced. Boys and girls will also find out who will be awarded ‘Cool Class Cup’ and the winning house. We will keep you posted.

Mrs Bolland

February 8, 2019
by Mrs MacIntyre


Primary 1 – Zachary

Primary 2 – Ella

Primary 3 – Olivia

Primary 4 – Rory

Primary 4/5 – David

Primary – Sophie

Primary 6 – Stuart

Primary 7 – Declan

Cool Class: Primary 5

Winning House: Lichend

February 3, 2019
by Mrs Bolland

Week beginning 4th February

Very well done to this fabulous girl- what an achievement!

On Monday, I will be attending a course run by SCES, where the focus will be on leadership in Catholic schools. We will look at the mission of our Catholic schools, in addition to our vision and aims. I am looking forward to working with colleagues in order to achieve improvements for all of our pupils and faith community.The dance after school club will be on today and as always, please ensure that children are supplied with appropriate kits and water bottles. Thank you. Our Primary 7 parents will have the opportunity to attend a meeting at 6 O’Clock this evening to receive information about the imminent trip to Kilbowie. We look forward to seeing you then.

On Tuesday morning, , we welcome our Education Psychologist and look forward to planning in order to meet all of our pupils’ needs. We also look forward to welcoming representatives from SCIAF , who will conduct a workshop with our younger pupils.  Claire from Speech and Language Therapy will join us today to support one of our pupils. The football after school club will be on this afternoon , and as always please ensure children have appropriate kits and water bottles. The Parent Council will meet this evening at 6pm in our staff room to discuss improvements for our school community.

On Wednesday, staff representatives from St Ambrose High school will be visiting our primary 7 pupils. We will also receive a visit from the high school sports leaders, who will work with our upper school pupils. We are very much looking forward to a visit from a  past pupil , who will meet with  primary 6 children. NLC’s team who provide support in respect of outdoor learning for our Primary 3 pupils will also visit us today. The Netball  after school club will be on today, and as always, please provide suitable kits and water bottles. I look forward to spending some time with a group of  P4/5 children, who are undertaking one of our many intervention to improve outcomes in literacy and numeracy.

On  Thursday, the fun games after school club will take place. The boys and girls thoroughly enjoy learning from one of our past pupils. Thank you Kaitlyn.

On Friday,  Mrs McLean will attend a meeting , representing St Bartholomew’s as Numeracy coach, in order to further improve numeracy outcomes for all of our pupils. Sally will visit our Primary 5 pupils, delivering Kodaly, in order to enhance musicality. We also look forward to assembly, where well deserving pupils will receive an award for their hard work and efforts. We will keep you posted!

Mrs Bolland

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