St Bartholomews

March 15, 2020
by Mrs Bolland

Week beginning Monday 16th March


Congratulations to our fabulous upper school pupils who have enjoyed continuous success!

Last week was another busy week in St Bartholomew’s Primary. Fr O’Kane visited us on Tuesday to hear confessions for our P4 to P7 pupils, this was especially important as it is the very special season of Lent . Our Primary 3’s were a credit to themselves and their families on Tuesday evening as they celebrated the sacrament of Reconciliation in St Bartholomew’s Church. Their singing was so well received that we asked them to perform one of their beautiful hymns during assembly on Friday. They were superb! I also visited Primary 5 last week and shared in the children’s learning in financial education-the children knows so much about keeping their money safe. Well done boys and girls. I attended a  family group lead’s meeting and worked collaboratively with colleagues across the  authority. On Friday, Ms McCleery from Strathclyde University visited P6a and was very impressed with our wonderful boys and girls.

Please remember to look for our most recent newsletter in your child’s bag as it provides you with up to date important information on recent events and the coming weeks ahead.

The week ahead looks like this:

On Monday, the NLC mini sports event at the Time Capsule for our  Primary 3 pupils will not go ahead for our pupils due to lack of parent volunteers. I am sure that we can look forward to other events in the future.

On Tuesday, the annual book fair will arrive in school and a huge thank you to parent volunteers for supervising this. Children always look forward to choosing books in advance of Parent’s evening. Our NHS partners will be visiting us today in order to carry out P1 and P7 dental checks. Ms Doyle will attend her  practitioner enquiry group today. I will be Chairing interviews in school today and will be joined with colleagues from our cluster group. I will also be later attending a  Cluster meeting at  St Ambrose High and will keep you up to date with any significant information.

On Wednesday, our book fair remains in school for children to choose books and accessories in advance of Parent’s evening, Our Community Artist’s group will be with us this morning and we look forward to welcoming them, as always.

On Thursday,  the Incredible years programme lead by the CAMHS team will be continuing in our Get Together room and we look forward to seeing all of our parents and carers who are involved with this group. I will be  visiting P1/2 , where I will share in the learning with Mrs MacLean, focusing on handwriting and grammar.  Sports leaders from St Ambrose High will be working with P6a today and the children look forward to some fantastic activities.  Parent’s evening Will take place today and as always, please ensure you book your appointment through the online system. We look forward to seeing you then.

On Friday, I will attend an Early Year’s panel meeting at Kildonan Street.The scheduled trip to  Primary trip to the Science Centre for our Primary 1 pupils has been postponed- we will keep you up to date with new arrangements.

Mrs Bolland

March 2, 2020
by Mrs Bolland

Week beginning 2nd March


The photographs above illustrate wonderful success for two of our fabulous pupils in both dancing and netball respectively. Well done from all of your friends at St Bartholomew’s!

Last week included a Parent Council meeting where various topics were discussed and we can look forward to our dedicated Parent Council organising a spring disco. We will keep you up to date. Elaine Johnstone, our Continuous Improvement Officer,  visited us on Monday and was happy with our rate of progress. As a school community, we all celebrated mass and received our ashes for Ash Wednesday, thank you Fr O’Kane for such a warm welcome. St Bartholomew’s also hosted a STEM development opportunity for cluster staff and we all had great fun making various objects.

The week ahead looks like this;

On Monday, accelerated reading assessments will start for the week ahead. This is a wonderful programme that encourages reading for enjoyment and has made such a difference to our pupils’ progress.

On Tuesday, I will attend an Early Years meeting at Coatbridge Community Centre and will share any updates on the many changes within our early years setting.

On Wednesday, Mrs Dunn will attend a course at the Computer Centre in Calderdale in order to keep abreast of latest innovations.

On Thursday, it’s World Book Day and children have the option of dressing up for this event. They may choose to dress as their favourite character from a book or a stimulus from a project/ class topic. We look forward to seeing some wonderful creations! Please remember that home made costumes are always best and that there is no need to buy commercially produced outfits etc. Our new Incredible Years programme continues today and follows on from day one, which took place last week. We have already received positive feedback from parents and staff. Long may it continue.

On Friday, I will be attending a preparatory day to a leadership course, Columba 1400. I look forward to working with colleagues from other authorities in order to improve and work collaboratively in respect of leadership skills. Our Education Psychologist will meet with a number of our parents from both the school and nursery in order to review progress. As always, we look forward to welcoming Mrs Kinniburgh to St Bart’s. Today is an important day for Primary 1/2 as  they are presenting their class assembly for parents and carers. I am looking forward to introducing this wonderful experience to our visitors.

Mrs Bolland

February 28, 2020
by Mrs MacIntyre


Primary 1 – Kal

Primary 1/2 – Corey

Primary 3 – Elyse

Primary 4 – C Jay

Primary 5 – Sophie

Primary 6a – Scott

Primary 6b – Molly

Primary 7 – Amy Lee

Cool Class – Primary 1

Winning House – Summerlee

February 21, 2020
by Mrs MacIntyre


Primary 1 – Mila

Primary 1/2 – Sinead

Primary 3 – Jamie

Primary 4 – Adam

Primary 5 – Cian

Primary 6a – Sophie

Primary 6b – Skye

Primary 7 – Jayden

Cool Class Cup: Primary 7

Winning House: Drumpellier

February 16, 2020
by Mrs Bolland

Week beginning 17th February

Well done to our very talented pupils who have been rewarded with trophies and medals for their efforts in dance.

A very big thank you to our very loyal and committed boys and girls who have been regular attendees at St. Bartholomew’s Church for 11.30am mass on Sunday so that they can sing in the choir. And of course, thank you to their parents for ensuring that they get there on time!The choir contains such beautiful singers and they have contributed positively towards the atmosphere in the Church and in fact many parishioners have complimented the children on their talents. Thank you to Mrs MacFarlane for leading our wonderful choir.

The week ahead looks like this:

On Monday, we welcome everyone back for a full week of school, after the February break last week. Please remember to ensure that your child comes to school in full uniform. Thank you in advance for your continued support with this important matter.

On Tuesday, I am very much looking forward to sharing in the wonderful learning of both Primary 1 and Primary 1/2. These boys and girls are so lucky to have such fantastic learning experiences and have made wonderful progress, so far.

On Wednesday, I will be attending a cluster meeting at St Ambrose High School in order to discuss issues related to transition to High school.Due to the wonderful relationships that we have established with Joe Bradley, Celtic FC  will be working with our Primary 5 pupils today. I am confident that the children will benefit greatly from this fabulous experience. This evening, our Primary 6 and 7 pupils will receive the very special gift of the Holy Spirit, through Confirmation at St Bartholomew’s Church. As always, for such an occasion, Bishop Toal will be in attendance and we are all very much looking forward to sharing in this wonderful sacrament.

On Thursday, our Primary 5 pupils will receive their weekly input of Gaelic football from their fantastic coaches. St Ambrose High school sports  leaders  will provide their pre visit today. We look forward to working with the young people from St Ambrose. Claire Gordon will visit us today in order to deliver Child smile dental care.

On Friday, it is an exciting day for pupils in Primary 3 who will be performing their assembly for parents and carers. We can’t wait… As always, the performance will take place in the hall at 2pm and refreshments will be provided in Primary 3’s classroom. We look forward to welcoming you then.

Please continue to like and retweet our posts on twitter and check out class pages on our website to gain a better insight into what’s going on in your child’s class.
Mrs Bolland

February 12, 2020
by Mrs MacIntyre


Primary 1 – Lexi

Primary 1/2 – Maia

Primary 3 – Chloe

Primary 4 – Chloe

Primary 5 – Niamh

Primary 6a – Emily

Primary 6b – Molly

Primary 7 – Logan

Cool Class Cup: Primary 3

Winning House: Lochend

February 2, 2020
by Mrs Bolland

Week beginning 3rd February


On Monday, John Wilson photographers will be back in to take photographs of both our youngest and oldest pupils. We look forward to the big smiles from both Primary 1 and Primary 7.
On Tuesday, our link Education Psychologist will be visiting in order to support our pupils and their families.

On Wednesday, we will be undertaking pupil voice groups and children and teachers alike will discuss exciting improvements for all of our pupils across the school community. Ms Doyle will be attending a RE course in order to develop knowledge and skills in this important subject area. Our ‘family group’ will be meeting in St Bartholomew’s to discuss future improvements for all of our pupils, especially in numeracy. This is a wonderful opportunity for school leaders with schools in a similar demographic to examine similar issues and come together collectively to find solutions.

On Thursday, our Primary 5 children will have the opportunity to develop their Gaelic football skills with the help of wonderful coaches. We are also very fortunate to have colleagues from the Camhs team work with some of our parents today. This is a fabulous initiative and very worthwhile for our families. Claire Gordon from the NHS dental team will join us today to help with our pupils’ oral health. Thank you Claire.

On Friday, I will be meeting with Jill Woodward, who is part of the team from Head quarters who supports schools with many aspects of school improvement. We look forward to welcoming you! Last but not least, it’s Primary 5’s assembly. As always parents and carers are most welcome and are in for a treat! Assembly starts at 2pm ,with the usual visit to the classroom thereafter for refreshments and an opportunity to share in the wonderful work carried out by the boys and girls.

Mrs Bolland

January 31, 2020
by Mrs MacIntyre


Primary 1 – Connor

Primary 1/2 – Lee

Primary 3 – Oscar

Primary 4 – Lucie

Primary 5 – Shay

Primary 6a – Connor

Primary 6b – Cara

Primary 7 – Emily

Cool Class – Primary 4

Winning House – Monklands

January 26, 2020
by Mrs Bolland

Week beginning 27th January

The photographs above illustrate the wonderful talents that abound within St Bart’s. Congratulations from all of your friends at St Bartholomew’s. Both girls have received recognition for their abilities in dancing. Well done girls!

Huge congratulations to both Primary 6 classes on their wonderful efforts during their ‘Spain’ assembly. Parents and carers were very impressed, especially with the wonderful dancing, Spanish language content and delivering their lines so well. We are all so very proud of you…

Last week we also welcomed the management team from St Stephen’s Primary in Coatbridge. They had heard such wonderful things about our reading for enjoyment programme and our fabulous kitchen that they popped in to see for themselves. Needless to say, they were all very impressed and will take back some ideas to their own setting. We have been very fortunate to share in the wonderful work in numeracy that goes on in St Stephen’s and hope to take some ideas on board for our pupils. Collaboration and sharing ideas are keys to success for all of our pupils. Thank you Mrs Watt, Ms McGhee and Mrs Thornbury.

The week ahead looks like this:

On Monday, our teaching staff look forward to joining cluster colleagues for collegiate working in assessment and moderation at St Augustines Primary school , after school. We all look forward to applying new ideas. Our Parent Council meet at 6pm in the staff room to discuss improvements for pupils. As always, all are welcome.

On Tuesday, Mrs McLean and I will conduct pupil progress meetings with some of our teaching staff in order to discuss improvements for all of our pupils. MsDoyle will be out of school today, taking part in a development course. Mrs MacIntyre will be leading a multi agency meeting for one of our nursery children.

On Wednesday,  we will continue with our pupil progress meetings. Our local artists  will gather in the get together room this morning, it is always great to see our school used by the local community in such a positive way.

On Thursday, pupil progress meetings continue. Primary 5 pupils continue to enjoy  Gaelic football – this is a wonderful opportunity for our boys and girls as this activity is usually preserved for Primary 6 and 7 pupils. Claire from the NHS  dental team will visit us today in order to support our pupils’ oral health. Representatives from the CAMHS team will undertake meetings with some of our parents and carers who are taking part in the Incredible years programme.

On Friday, Mrs MacIntyre will meet with the early years panel to discuss admissions to our 2 year old nursery. We also look forward to announcing ‘Pupils of the week’ at our weekly   assembly.

Mrs Bolland


January 12, 2020
by Mrs Bolland

Week beginning 13th January

Our boys and girls thoroughly enjoyed their first week back after the holidays and a huge thank you to parents and carers for making such a great effort in respect of their children’s smart appearance. This is very much appreciated by all, wearing full school uniform definitely contributes towards a positive attitude to learning and behaviour.
This week is enrolment week for our pre school children who will be starting Primary 1 in August. Please remember to pass this important information on to prospective pupils and their parents. Mrs Dunn and Mrs Clare are looking forward to helping with this exciting process.

The week ahead looks like this:

On Monday, our link education psychologist will be joining me in meeting with a number of our parents and carers in order to better support our pupils.
On Tuesday, Ms Doyle will be out of school and planning practitioner enquiry with colleagues.
On Wednesday, Pupil Voice groups will meet to discuss future developments and progress on current initiatives that they are responsible for. Mrs McLean and myself look forward to meeting with the Chair and Secretary from each group in order to  discuss progress. Mrs McLean will attend a numeracy coach meeting and we all look forward to benefiting from the latest information from the authority. Claire Gordon from NHS dental team will visit us today to help with our pupils’ oral health. I will be attending a Head Teacher’s meeting in order to discuss recent changes and developments within the authority.

On Thursday, Mrs MacIntyre will attend the Children’s Reporter offices in order to support one of our pupils.

On Friday, Primary 6 will present their assembly, ‘Spain’ to their parents and carers at 2pm in the main hall. We look forward to welcoming everyone then, as always please feel free to join in with singing!

Mrs Bolland

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