St Bartholomews

Home School Links

Parents are kept fully up-to-date with what’s going on in the school via the Head Teacher’s Blog on the school website. This is updated on a daily basis. A newsletter is also distributed every two months. Urgent pieces of information are sent out via text.

The school operates an ‘open door’ policy and parents and carers are encouraged to make contact with the Head Teacher as soon as they have any concerns about their child.
Numerous opportunities are provided throughout the year for parents and carers to come into St Bartholomew’s. These include class assemblies, concerts, fundraising events and curricular workshops.

Parents Evening takes place twice each year, in October and March. This provides parents and carers with a valuable opportunity to discuss their children’s work with his/her class teacher. Should parents be unable to attend at the specified time, the school will make arrangements for them to meet the class teacher at a time suitable to both during school hours.
‘Learning Journey Folders’ are sent home once a term. These allow parents and carers to see a selection of their child’s work and to write a comment on their progress. A detailed and comprehensive written report is issued in June.

St Bartholomew’s is always very interested in parents volunteering to help in the school. Parents wishing to be involved in any activities should contact the school office.

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